Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Syrian History Timeline

Events in Syrian History

Events 1 - 200 of 260

  • 0763-06-15 BC Assyrians record a solar eclipse that will be used to fix the chronology of Mesopotamian history
  • 0612-08-10 BC Killing of Sinsharishkun, King of Assyrian Empire. Destruction of Nineveh.
  • 0069-07-01 Batavian nobleman Gaius Julius Civilis proclaimed emperor of Syria
  • 0526-11-29 A possible date for the Antioch earthquake in present-day Syria (then the Byzantine Empire) which killed 200,000 people
  • 0531-04-19 Battle of Callinicum: Roman general Belisarius defeated by Sasanian army led by Azarethes, though heavy losses on both sides result in a stalemate in northern Syria
  • 0636-08-15 Beginning of the five-day decisive Battle at Yarmuk: Muslim forces defeat the Byzantine army to take control of Syria for the first time
  • 0969-10-28 Byzantine troops occupy Antioch (in modern Syria)
  • 1098-12-12 1st Crusaders capture & plunder Mara, Syria
  • 1099-01-13 Crusaders set fire to Mara, Syria
  • 1099-01-28 1st Crusaders begins siege of Hosn-el-Akrad Syria
  • 1109-07-12 Crusaders capture Syria's harbor city of Tripoli
  • 1110-12-04 Syrian harbor city Saida (Sidon) surrenders to Crusaders
  • 1138-10-11 Earthquake in Aleppo, Syria, kills an estimated 230,000
  • 1167-03-18 Battle of El-Babein, Egypt: Franks under Amalrik vs Syrians
  • 1420-05-23 Jews of Syria and Austria expelled
  • 1496-03-12 Jews are expelled from Syria

Napoleon Abandons Siege

1799-05-21 Napoleon and his forces abandon their siege of Acre after two months - turning point in French invasion of Egypt and Syria

  • 1822-08-10 Antioch Syria, hit by Earthquake; about 20,000 die
  • 1837-01-22 Earthquake in southern Syria kills thousands
  • 1916-02-08 French cruiser "Admiral Charner" torpedoed off Syrian coast, kills 374
  • 1920-03-11 Syria proclaims Emir Feisal king after the country has fought off French domination

San Remo Conference

1920-04-25 San Remo conference establishes three League of Nations mandates: a French mandate for Syria, and British mandates for Mesopotamia and Palestine with effect to the terms of the Balfour Declaration

  • 1921-10-20 The French and Mustafa Kemal nationalists sign a treaty at Ankara fixing the Turko-Syrian border
  • 1924-09-28 French government names General Serrail governor-general of Syria
  • 1926-05-19 French air force bombs Damascus, Syria
  • 1933-08-07 The Iraqi Government slaughters over 3,000 Assyrians in the village of Sumail. The day becomes known as Assyrian Martyrs Day.
  • 1941-06-08 British & French troops overthrow pro-German Syria
  • 1941-06-21 2nd French troops occupies Damascus, Syria
  • 1941-07-14 Cease fire of Joan of Arc (ends combat in Lebanon & Syria)
  • 1945-02-24 Egypt & Syria declare war on nazi-Germany
  • 1946-04-07 Syria's independence from France is officially recognised.
  • 1946-04-12 Syria gains independence from France
  • 1946-04-17 Syria declares independence from French administration
  • 1948-05-15 Troops from Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Saudi Arabia attack Israel
  • 1949-06-25 Presidential election in Syria (some women allowed to vote)
  • 1949-08-14 Military coup in Syria under colonel Sami Hinnawi
  • 1950-06-17 Egypt, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia & Syria sign security pact
  • 1951-11-28 Military coup under Col Adib el-Shishakli in Syria
  • 1952-04-23 Crude oil pipeline from Kirkuk, Iraq to Banias, Syria completed
  • 1952-10-24 Arab Liberation Movement becomes only political party in Syria
  • 1954-02-23 Syrian army drives out president Adib el-Shishakli
  • 1955-08-18 Sjukri al-Quwatli re-elected president of Syria
  • 1957-08-08 USSR offers Syria economic/military aid
  • 1957-10-08 Turkish & Syrian border guards exchange fire
  • 1958-02-01 Egypt & Syria announce plans to merge into United Arab Republic
  • 1958-02-02 Syria joins Egypt in United Arab Republic
  • 1958-02-21 Egypt-Syria as United Arab Republic elect Nasser president (99.9% vote)
  • 1958-02-22 Egypt & Syria form United Arab Republic (UAR)
  • 1961-09-28 Syria withdraws from United Arab Republic
  • 1961-09-29 Mamum Kuzbari becomes premier of Syria
  • 1961-12-31 Failed coup by Syrian group in Lebanon
  • 1962-03-28 Military coup in Syria, President Nazim al-Kudsi flees
  • 1962-07-06 Emir Said al-Djazairi takes van Algerian throne in Syria
  • 1963-03-08 Syrian Arab Rep Revolution Day - Military coup in Syria
  • 1963-07-18 Failed military coup in Syria
  • 1963-07-27 General Amin al-Hafez becomes President of Syria
  • 1964-08-14 Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait and Syria form common market
  • 1966-02-23 Military coup in Syria ends Bitar government
  • 1966-02-25 Syrian military coup under General Hafiz al-Assad
  • 1966-03-01 Ba'ath-party takes power in Syria
  • 1967-04-07 Israeli Syrian border fights

Six-Day War

1967-06-05 Six-Day War begins between Israel and the neighboring Arab states of Egypt, Jordan and Syria

  • 1967-06-10 Israel, Syria, Jordan, Iraq & Egypt end "6-Day War" with UN help
  • 1969-01-27 9 Jews publicly executed in Damascus, Syria

Coup d'état

1969-02-27 General Hafez al-Assad becomes head of Syria via military coup

  • 1970-05-03 Trans-Arabian Pipeline delivery from Saudi Arabia to the Mediterranean interrupted in Syria, driving oil tanker rates to all time highs
  • 1970-11-21 General Hafez al-Assad becomes Prime Minister of Syria following a military coup
  • 1971-03-12 Hafez al-Assad consolidates power in Syria by installing himself as President
  • 1971-04-17 Egypt, Libya & Syria form federation (FAR)
  • 1971-08-12 Syrian President Hafez al-Assad drops diplomatic relations with Jordan
  • 1973-03-13 Syria adopts constitution
  • 1973-09-13 Syrian-Israeli dogfight over Mediterranean Sea
  • 1973-09-14 Israel shoots down 13 Syrian MIG-21s
  • 1973-10-06 Yom Kippur War begins as Syria & Egypt attack Israel
  • 1973-10-12 Israeli counter offensive in southern Syria
  • 1973-12-21 Israel, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, US & USSR meet in Geneva to discuss the Arab-Israeli conflict
  • 1974-02-12 Heads of state of Algeria, Egypt, Syria, and Saudi Arabia discuss oil strategy in view of the progress in Arab-Israeli disengagement
  • 1974-03-05 First performance in 3,000 years of world's oldest known song "Hymn to Nikkal" a 3,400 year old Hurrian hymn to moon god Nikkal from Ugarit in Syria, played at Berkeley University by Anne Kilmer and Richard Crocker [1]
  • 1974-05-31 Israel and Syria sign an agreement concerning Golan Heights
  • 1975-08-20 Il-62 crashes south of Damascus, Syria, killing 126
  • 1976-09-29 Syria drives Palestinian guerrillas out of Lebanon
  • 1976-11-15 Syrian army conquers Beirut
  • 1977-12-05 Egypt breaks off diplomatic relations with Syria, Libya, Algeria, Iraq & South Yemen
  • 1978-09-28 Syrians & Lebanese engage in heavy fighting in Lebanon
  • 1978-10-02 Syrian & Palestinians shoot in East Beirut, 1,300 killed
  • 1979-06-16 Muslim Brotherhood kills 62 sheiks in Aleppo, Syria
  • 1980-10-08 USSR & Syria sign peace treaty
  • 1981-04-02 Heavy battle between Christian militia & Syrian army in East Lebanon
  • 1981-12-14 Israel annexes Golan Heights (seized from Syria in war of 1967)
  • 1982-02-02 Government troops and Muslim fundamentalists battle in Hamah, Syria
  • 1982-06-09 Israel wipes out Syrian SAM missiles in Bekaa Valley
  • 1982-06-10 Battle of Sultan Yakoub - Israel raid into Syria result in 30 deaths and capture of Israeli tanks
  • 1982-06-11 Israel and Syria stop fighting in Lebanon
  • 1983-06-23 Syria throws out PLO leader Arafat
  • 1983-09-18 Lebanese & Syrian army battle
  • 1983-11-25 Syria & Saudi Arabia announce cease-fire in PLO civil war in Tripoli
  • 1983-12-04 US jet fighters strike Syrian anti-aircraft positions in Lebanon
  • 1984-01-03 Syria frees captured US pilot after appeal from Jesse Jackson
  • 1986-10-24 Great Britain drops diplomatic relations with Syria
  • 1987-02-21 Syrian army marches into Beirut
  • 1987-07-22 Soyuz TM-3 launched with 3 cosmonauts (1 Syrian)
  • 1991-02-13 Syria tells Germany they are ready to recognize Israel
  • 1994-04-25 Fishing boat with school children capsize at Lanaka Syria, 46 killed

Event of Interest

2001-05-06 During a trip to Syria, Pope John Paul II becomes the first pope to enter a mosque

  • 2005-02-28 Lebanon's pro-Syrian prime minister, Omar Karami, resigns amid large anti-Syria street demonstrations in Beirut.
  • 2005-03-14 Cedar Revolution, where over a million Lebanese march in the streets of Beirut to demonstrate against the Syrian military presence in Lebanon, and against the government, following the assassination of Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.
  • 2005-04-26 Under international pressure, Syria withdraws the last of its 14,000 troop military garrison in Lebanon, ending its 29-year military domination of the country
  • 2005-04-29 Syria completes withdrawal from Lebanon, ending 29 years of occupation
  • 2005-07-26 Samir Geagea, the Lebanese Forces (LF) leader, is released after spending 11 years in a solitary confinement; his release came after Syria ends occupation of Lebanon
  • 2006-11-21 Anti-Syrian Lebanese Minister and MP Pierre Gemayel is assassinated in suburban Beirut.
  • 2012-01-06 A suicide bomber blows himself up at a police station in Damascus, Syria, killing 26 people and wounding 63
  • 2012-02-25 Syrian Army kills 100 civilians in artillery shelling of Homs and Hama
  • 2012-03-02 The Red Cross is denied access to provide relief to the Baba Amr district in Homs by the Syrian army
  • 2012-03-12 45 people, including children, are massacred by the Syrian Army in Homs

Easter Message

2012-04-08 Pope Benedict XVI calls for an end to Syrian blood shed in papal Easter message

  • 2012-04-10 United Nations deadline for Syrian troop withdrawal passes as violence continues
  • 2012-04-12 A ceasefire in the 2011-2012 Syrian uprising comes into effect
  • 2012-04-16 At least 55 people are killed in the Syrian uprising despite UN presence to oversee ceasefire
  • 2012-04-26 70 people are killed by rocket attacks by the Syrian Army on the city of Hama
  • 2012-05-10 Two bombings in Damascus, Syria, kill 55 people and injure 370
  • 2012-05-25 Up to 116 people are massacred, including women and children, by the Syrian army in Houla, in the Homs province
  • 2012-05-30 A number of nations including Germany, Turkey and Canada, expel Syrian diplomats following the Houla massacre
  • 2012-06-20 A Syrian fighter pilot lands in Jordan and defects from the Syrian uprising
  • 2012-06-25 33 Syrian army officers defect to Turkey
  • 2012-06-30 30 people attending a funeral in Zamalka, Syria, are killed on a day that saw 83 civilian deaths
  • 2012-07-12 200 people are killed by the Syrian army in Tremseh
  • 2012-07-18 Syrian suicide bombing kills three high profile government officials, including Syria's Minister of Defence
  • 2012-07-18 Violence across Syria results in 97 deaths
  • 2012-07-26 At least 200 people are killed in a day of violence in Syria
  • 2012-08-03 United Nations General Assembly reproaches The United Nations Security Council over its lack of action in Syria
  • 2012-08-22 47 people are killed in the Syrian civil war
  • 2012-08-25 330 people are killed as a result of conflict in the Syrian civil war
  • 2012-09-09 17 people are killed and at least 40 injured after two car bombs explode in Aleppo, Syria
  • 2012-09-12 18 soldiers are killed by a rebel car bomb in Syria
  • 2012-09-20 50 people are killed and dozens injured after a gas station is bombed by the Syrian Army in Ain Issa
  • 2012-09-26 Syrian army massacres 40 civilians in Thiabieh, Damascus
  • 2012-10-03 34 people are killed by a series of bombings in Aleppo, Syria
  • 2012-10-04 Turkey’s parliament approves cross-border military operations in Syria
  • 2012-10-11 A further 83 people are killed throughout Syria by the Syrian army
  • 2012-10-18 Syrian military airstrikes kill 40 people in Maaret al-Numan
  • 2012-10-28 Syrian ceasefire collapses and 128 people are killed in ongoing civil war violence
  • 2012-11-03 Syrian rebels launch a major assault on Taftanaz airbase
  • 2012-11-04 Syrian rebels capture a major oil field in Deir ez-Zor Governorate
  • 2012-11-05 50 Syrian military personnel are killed by a suicide car bomb in Hama
  • 2012-11-10 20 Syrian troops are killed by suicide bombings in Daara
  • 2012-11-13 3 Syrian tanks enter the demilitarized zone of Golan Heights
  • 2012-11-15 At least 95 people are killed in Syrian conflicts
  • 2012-11-26 10 children are killed and 15 people are injured after a Syrian government Jet drops a cluster bomb on a playground
  • 2012-11-28 54 people are killed and 120 are injured by two car bombs in Damascus, Syria
  • 2012-12-04 29 people are killed by a mortar attack in Bteeha, Syria
  • 2012-12-11 125 people are killed and 200 are injured by bombings in Aqrab, Syria
  • 2012-12-23 200 civilians are killed by Syrian government warplanes in Helfaya, Syria
  • 2012-12-29 200 people are executed by the Syrian army in Homs
  • 2013-01-04 Car bomb kills 11 people, and injures 40 at a petrol station in Damascus, Syria
  • 2013-01-08 2,130 prisoners held by the Syrian government are exchanged for 48 Iranians kidnapped by Syrian rebels
  • 2013-01-15 83 people are killed and 150 are injured in a rocket attack on Aleppo University, Syria
  • 2013-01-16 24 people die after three car bombs exploded in Idlib Governorate, Syria
  • 2013-01-17 106 people are massacred by Syrian army forces in Homs
  • 2013-01-21 30 people are killed in a car bombing in Salamiyeh, Syria
  • 2013-01-25 8 people are killed by 2 car bombs in Golan Heights, Syria
  • 2013-02-04 20 people are killed after an apartment building was struck by a rocket in Aleppo, Syria
  • 2013-02-21 83 people are killed and 250 are injured in a series of bombing attacks in Damascus, Syria
  • 2013-02-22 29 people are killed and 150 are injured by 3 Syrian army missiles in Aleppo
  • 2013-03-04 40 Syrian soldiers are killed in an ambush in Western Iraq
  • 2013-03-06 Syrian rebels capture Ar-Raqqah, their first major city
  • 2013-03-21 42 people are killed and 84 are injured by a bombing in a mosque in Damascus, Syria
  • 2013-03-29 UN regulation of international arms trade is blocked by North Korea, Iran, and Syria
  • 2013-04-07 15 people, including 9 children, are killed by an air strike on Aleppo by the Syrian Air Force
  • 2013-04-11 57 people are killed by the Syrian Army in Daraa Governorate, Syria
  • 2013-05-02 100 people are killed by the Syrian Army in a raid on al-Bayda, Baniyas
  • 2013-05-04 77 people are killed by the Syrian Army in Baniyas
  • 2013-07-15 13 people are killed by a car bomb in Deir Atiyah, Syria
  • 2013-07-17 7 people are killed by a car bomb in Damascus, Syria
  • 2013-08-02 40 people are killed after an ammunition depot explodes in Homs, Syria
  • 2013-08-06 18 people are killed and 55 are wounded by a car bomb explosion in Damascus, Syria
  • 2013-08-06 An alleged chemical weapons attack on Damascus, Syria, is claimed by Syrian rebels
  • 2013-08-17 15 civilians are killed by a Syrian warplane attack in Aleppo
  • 2013-08-23 UN inspectors are stopped by Syrian government from investigating a reported site of a chemical massacre
  • 2013-08-28 China and Russia walk out of a UN Security Council meeting after the US pushes for immediate action against Syria's use of chemical weapons
  • 2013-09-07 14 Syrian rebels and 2 civilians are killed by heavy government shelling of Damascus
  • 2013-09-11 12 Alawite sect members are killed by rebel fighters in central Syria
  • 2013-09-29 16 people are killed by a Syrian Army air strike that hit a secondary school in Raqqa, Syria
  • 2013-10-16 21 people are killed after a minibus hits a land mine in Nawa, Syria
  • 2013-10-18 Saudi Arabia becomes the first country to turn down a seat on the UN Security Council in protest over Syria
  • 2013-10-20 30 people are killed by a suicide truck bomber in Hama, Syria
  • 2013-11-06 8 people are killed and 50 are injured by a suicide bombing in Damascus, Syria
  • 2013-12-29 Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says barrel bombs on Aleppo have killed 517 people since 15th December

Damascus Truce in Syria

2014-01-06 Truce begins between Free Syrian Army and forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad in northern Damascus

  • 2014-02-01 Syrian civil war death toll reaches 130,000, while 4 million are displaced
  • 2014-02-11 Peace talks resume in Geneva as leaders attempt to bring an end to the civil war in Syria
  • 2014-03-11 Refugees from Syria pour into the Kingdom of Jordan
  • 2014-03-18 US closes the Syrian embassy in Washington & expels all Syrian diplomats
  • 2014-03-19 Israel sends airforce against Syrian military units involved in an attack yesterday on an Israeli patrol in the Golan Heights
  • 2014-04-10 88 civilians are killed by barrel bombs from Syrian war planes in Aleppo, Syria
  • 2014-05-23 Russia and China veto the U.N. Security Council resolution to establish an International Criminal Court for war crimes in Syria
  • 2014-05-29 President Obama approves US military training of 'moderate' Syrian rebels to fight the regime of Bashar al-Assad and al Qaeda-linked groups
  • 2014-07-16 Bashar al-Assad is sworn in for a third term as President of Syria
  • 2014-10-01 41 children are killed by a suicide bombing on the Akrameh al-Makhzumi school in Homs, Syria
  • 2014-10-02 Siege of Syrian town Kobani and its surrounds by ISIS prompts 130,00 people to flee the area
  • 2014-12-02 The World Food Programme suspends critical food aid to more than 1.7 million Syrian refugees in Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, Iraq and Egypt because of a lack of funds