Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.
July 19

What Happened on July 19

Major Events

Jul 19 in Film & TV

Jul 19 in Music

  • 1913 Billboard publishes earliest known "Last Week's 10 Best Sellers Among Popular Songs"; "Malinda's Wedding Day" by singers Byron Harlan and Arthur Collins is #1 (recorded in Camden, New Jersey)

Jul 19 in Sport

  • 1877 1st Wimbledon Men's Tennis: 27-year-old English rackets player Spencer Gore wins inaugural event; beats William Marshall 6-1, 6-2, 6-4
  • 1903 1st Tour de France: French rider Maurice Garin wins inaugural event

Did You Know?

Michael Brunet discovers the skull of Sahelanthropus tchadensis in the Djurab Desert, Chad. One of the oldest known species in the human family tree, 6-7 million years ago years old

July 19, 2001

Fun Fact About July 19

US scientists calculate total amount plastic ever produced - 8.3 billion tonnes, equal to weight of 1 billion elephants

July 19, 2017

Famous Weddings

  • 1770 Founding Father of the United States John Dickinson (37) weds land and estate owner Mary Norris (30) in a civil ceremony
  • 1928 Physicist Enrico Fermi (26) weds writer Laura Capon in Rome, Italy
  • 1932 "Rebecca" author Daphne Du Maurier (25) weds commander of the I Airborne Corps Lt. Gen. Frederick Browning (35)

Famous Divorces

More July 19 Weddings