Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.
July 17

What Happened on July 17

Major Events

  • 180 6 inhabitants of Carthage, North Africa executed for being Christians. Earliest record of Christianity in this part of the world.
  • 1203 Siege of Constantinople begins during the fourth Crusade; Roman Catholic Crusaders aboard a Venetian fleet attack the city
  • 1762 Catherine II becomes Tsarina of Russia following the murder of Peter III

Jul 17 in Film & TV

Jul 17 in Music

Jul 17 in Sport

  • 1976 21st modern Olympic games opens in Montreal: 25 African teams (later rising to 33 nations) boycott the games due to New Zealand playing rugby in apartheid South Africa

Did You Know?

"L'Argus" accidentally discovers raft holding survivors from wrecked French frigate "Méduse." After 13 days at sea only 15 of 151 remain, the rest having been cannibalised, murdered, or committed suicide. This event was made famous by Théodore Géricault’s painting "The Raft of the Medusa"

July 17, 1816

Fun Fact About July 17

"Variety" publishes famous headline "Sticks Nix Hick Pix"

July 17, 1935

Famous Weddings

  • 1328 Prince David (4), heir to the Scottish throne marries Joan (7), Princess of England at Berwick-upon-Tweed
  • 1385 King Charles VI of France (17) marries Isabeau of Bavaria (16)
  • 1942 American movie actress Lana Turner (21) weds 2nd husband, American actor and restaurateur Steve Crane (annulled due to uncompleted divorce from prior marriage)

Famous Divorces

  • 1975 Beatle member Ringo Starr & Maureen Cox Starkey divorce, after 10 years of marriage

More July 17 Weddings