Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.
July 14

What Happened on July 14

Major Events

  • 1789 Bastille Day - the French Revolution begins with the storming of the Bastille Prison in Paris (now celebrated as France's national day)
  • 1798 US Sedition Act prohibits "false, scandalous & malicious" writing against government
  • 1850 1st public demonstration of ice made by refrigeration by Florida physician John Gorrie
  • 1933 All non-Nazi parties are banned in Germany
  • 1941 6,000 Lithuanian Jews are exterminated at Viszalsyan Camp
  • 1992 386BSD is released by Lynne Jolitz and William Jolitz, starting the open source operating system revolution. Linus Torvalds release "Linux" soon afterwards
  • More July 14 Events

Jul 14 in Film & TV

Jul 14 in Music

  • 1795 The French National Convention decrees "La Marseillaise" by Claude-Joseph Rouget de Lisle France's national anthem

Jul 14 in Sport

  • 1964 51st Tour de France: Jacques Anquetil of France wins 4th consecutive Tour and is first to claim 5 titles

Did You Know?

Dr Benjamin Spock's "Common Sense Book of Baby & Child Care" published

July 14, 1946

Fun Fact About July 14

WYHY radio offers $1M to anyone who can prove Elvis is still alive

July 14, 1988

Famous Weddings

  • 1429 Duke Philip the Good (33) weds Isabella of Portugal (32) by proxy (he in Burgundy, she in Portugal)
  • 1820 British PM Robert Peel (32) weds Sir John Floyd's daughter Julia at St George's, Hanover Square in London
  • 1930 1st Filipino President Emilio Aguinaldo (61) weds second wife Maria Agoncillo (51) at Barasoain Church in Malolos, Bulacan

Famous Divorces

  • 1987 Actor Michael Biehn (30) divorces actress Carlene Olson (32) after 7 years of marriage

More July 14 Weddings