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What Happened in 1639

Major Events

Did You Know?

Virginia orders half of its tobacco crop destroyed to support plunging prices and to avoid an economic catastrophe, the 1st colony to order the destruction of crops

January 6, 1639

More People Born in 1639

Who Died in 1639

  • Jan 20 Mustafa I 'Mustafa the Mad', Ottoman sultan (1617-18, 22-23), dies at 38 or 39
  • Jan 23 Francisco Maldonado da Silva Solis, Peruvian poet, burned at stake
  • Jan 24 [George] Jörg Jenatsch, Swiss Grisons leader, assassinated by a man disguised as a bear at about 42
  • Mar 22 Thomas Carew, English poet and diplomat (The Rapture), dies
  • May 21 Tommaso Campanella, Italian theologian, philosopher and poet, dies at 70

More 1639 Deaths

Famous People in 1639

World Leaders in 1639