Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

What Happened in 1646

Major Events

  • Feb 16 Battle of Great Torrington, Devon - the last major battle of the first English Civil War
  • Feb 28 Roger Scott tried in Massachusetts for sleeping in church
  • Mar 6 Joseph Jenkes receives the 1st patent in North America for making scythes from the General Court of Massachusetts
  • Apr 27 On the verge of defeat, King Charles I flees Oxford for a Scottish army camp close to Southwell near Newark-on-Trent
  • May 5 King Charles I surrenders in Scotland
  • May 30 Spain & Netherlands sign temporary cease fire
  • Jun 25 Thomas Fairfax's New Model Army occupies Oxford
  • Jul 30 English parliament sets King Charles I Newcastle Propositions
  • Jul 31 Royalist supporters besieged at Goodrich Castle surrender to Parliamentarian forces, during English Civil War, after castle partly destroyed by 'Roaring Meg' an enormous mortar (canon) [1]
  • Sep 5 First public library in the Americas established when Bishop Palafox y Mendoza donates his personal library of 5,000 volumes to Tridentine colleges in Puebla, Mexico [1]
  • More 1646 Events

More People Born in 1646

Who Died in 1646

  • Jan 6 Elias Hill, German architect of Augsburg, dies at 72
  • Mar 20 Matthew Vossius, historian (Annales Holland Zelandiaeque), dies at 35
  • Apr 10 Santino Solari, Swiss architect and sculptor (b. 1576)
  • Aug 19 Alexander Henderson, Scottish theologian
  • Aug 28 Fulvio Testi, Italian poet (Poesie liriche), dies at 53

More 1646 Deaths

Famous Weddings in 1646

  • Dec 7 Princess Louise Henriette (19) of Nassau marries Frederick Henry Elector of Brandenburg

Famous People in 1646

World Leaders in 1646