Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

What Happened in August 1861

Historical Events

  • Aug 1 Brazil recognizes Confederacy
  • Aug 2 Skirmish at Dug Springs, Missouri results in Union victory
  • Aug 3 Federal fleet bombards Galveston, Texas
  • Aug 5 Enlistment in US Union army increases from 3 months to 2 years
  • Aug 5 Naval Engagement at Fernandina, Florida, the USS Vincennes ends rebel blockade
  • Aug 5 President Lincoln signs the first US personal Income Tax into law (3% of incomes over $800)
  • Aug 5 US Army abolishes flogging
  • Aug 6 Lexington, Kentucky - Union military camp forms in neutral state
  • Aug 6 The British annex Lagos, Nigeria
  • Aug 6 US Congress passes First Confiscation Act
  • Aug 10 Battle of Wilson's Creek [Battle of Oak Hills], fought near Springfield, Missouri, General Lyon killed, Confederate victory (US Civil War)
  • Aug 12 Skirmish at Texas - rebels are attacked by Apache Indians
  • Aug 14 79th NY troops mutinies
  • Aug 14 Martial Law is declared at St Louis, Missouri, due to pro-secession sentiment which surged throughout Missouri after the Battle of Wilson's Creek

Lincoln Sends Reinforcements

Aug 15 Abraham Lincoln orders Union reinforcements be sent to Missouri

  • Aug 16 Skirmishes at Fredericktown/Kirkville, Missouri
  • Aug 16 US President Abraham Lincoln prohibits Union states from trading with Confederacy
  • Aug 19 Confederacy Congress allies with government of Missouri
  • Aug 20 Skirmish at Jonesboro, MO
  • Aug 27 Battle of Cape Hatteras SC-Union troops take Ft Clark
  • Aug 28 American Civil War: Battle of Fort Hatteras, North Carolina, 1st combined operation of Union Army and Navy results in Union domination of strategically important North Carolina Sounds
  • Aug 29 American Civil War: US Navy squadron captures forts at Hatteras Inlet, North Carolina.
  • Aug 30 John Frémont issues proclamation freeing slaves of Missouri rebels

Famous Birthdays

  • Aug 1 Sammy Jones, Australian cricket batsman (12 Tests; NSW, Queensland, Auckland), born in Sydney, Australia (d. 1951)
  • Aug 2 Acharya Prafulla Chandra Ray, Bengali chemist (founder of Bengal Chemicals And Pharmaceuticals), born in Khulna, British India (d. 1944)

Edith Roosevelt (1861-1948)

Aug 6 US First Lady and wife of Teddy Roosevelt, born in Norwich, Connecticut

  • Aug 8 William Bateson, English biologist (originator of term "genetics"), born in Whitby, England (d. 1926)
  • Aug 9 Wilhelm Berger, German composer, pianist and conductor, born in Boston, Massachusetts (d. 1911)
  • Aug 10 Almroth Wright, English bacteriologist (one of 1st vaccines for typhoid), born in Yorkshire England (d. 1947)
  • Aug 14 Bion J. Arnold, American electrical engineer and inventor, born in Casnovia, Michigan (d. 1942)

Famous Deaths

  • Aug 10 Nathaniel Lyon, American Brigadier-General (Union Army), 1st Union General to die in battle at 43
  • Aug 12 Eliphalet Remington, American firearms manufacturer (Remington Arms Co., L.L.C.), dies at 67
  • Aug 17 Alcée Louis la Branche, American Politician (b. 1806)
  • Aug 22 Xianfeng, Emperor of the Manchu-led Qing dynasty, dies at 30
  • Aug 28 William Lyon Mackenzie, Canadian-American newspaper publisher, politician, and failed rebel leader, dies at 66
  • Aug 29 Franz Joseph Glæser, Czech-Danish composer, dies at 63