Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Historical Events in July 1798

Napoleon Reaches Alexandria

Jul 1 Napoleon's fleet reaches Alexandria, Egypt

  • Jul 2 Marine Police established by The West India Committee to guard merchant vessels on the river Thames, London, beginnings of the world's oldest continuously serving police force [1]
  • Jul 6 US law makes aliens "liable to be apprehended, restrained, ... & removed as alien enemies"
  • Jul 7 Quasi-War: the U.S. Congress rescinds treaties with France sparking the 'war'

US Marine Corps Established

Jul 11 US Marine Corps formally established as a distinct military branch by an Act of Congress signed by President John Adams

  • Jul 14 1st direct US federal tax on states enacted to finance military build-up; dwellings, land, and slaves are subject to tariff
  • Jul 14 US Sedition Act prohibits "false, scandalous & malicious" writing against government
  • Jul 16 US Public Health Service forms & US Marine Hospital authorized
  • Jul 21 Napoleon Bonaparte wins Battle of Pyramids in Egypt (Battle of Embabeh) against Mamluk rulers, wiping out most of the Egyptian army
  • Jul 23 Napoleon Bonaparte captures Alexandria, Egypt