Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Historical Events in August 1858

  • Aug 2 1st mailboxes installed in Boston and NYC streets
  • Aug 2 Government of India transferred from East India Company to the British Crown

1st Transatlantic Telegraph Cable

Aug 5 First transatlantic telegraph cable lands at Trinity Bay, Newfoundland spearheaded by Cyrus West Field (will fail after 3 weeks)

  • Aug 11 First ascent of the Eiger in the Bernese Alps in Switzerland
  • Aug 15 Regular US mail to the Pacific coast begins

British Queen Telegraphs US President

Aug 16 Britain's Queen Victoria telegraphs US President James Buchanan for 1st time by transatlantic telegraph cable, he replies "it is a triumph more glorious, because far more useful to mankind, than was ever won by conqueror on the field of battle."

  • Aug 17 1st bank in Hawaii opens
  • Aug 18 Netherlands & Japan sign trade agreement
  • Aug 20 Rudolf Virchov's groundbreaking medical text "Cellular Pathology" is published in Berlin, establishing the basis for modern medical science [1]
  • Aug 21 1st Lincoln-Douglas debate in Illinois
  • Aug 24 Richmond "Daily Dispatch" reports 90 blacks arrested for learning