Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Historical Events in October 1869

  • Oct 1 1st postcards are issued in Vienna, Austria
  • Oct 5 A strong hurricane known as the Saxby Gale devastates the Bay of Fundy region in Maritime Canada. Incredibly British naval officer Stephen Martin Saxby predicted the storm 10 months earlier in December 1868 via astronomy.
  • Oct 5 Man-made tunnel under St. Anthony Falls, Minnesota collapses, threatening the Minneapolis riverfront
  • Oct 16 Hotel in Boston becomes 1st to have indoor plumbing

The League of Youth

Oct 18 Henrik Ibsen's play "De Unges Forbund" (The League of Youth) premieres in Christiania (Oslo), Norway

  • Oct 21 1st shipment of fresh oysters comes overland from Baltimore
  • Oct 26 1st American steeplechase horserace at Westchester, NY