Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Historical Events in July 1897

  • Jul 1 Bronx acquires Hutton Square

Report on the Jameson Raid

Jul 16 The South African Committee, investigating the Jameson Raid releases its report finding that it was conducted almost implicitly through the support and encouragement of Cecil Rhodes and the mining houses in the Transvaal

  • Jul 17 1st ship arrives in Seattle carrying gold from Yukon
  • Jul 18 Cap Anson is 1st to get 3,000 hits
  • Jul 21 Tate Gallery opens in England

Event of Interest

Jul 25 Writer Jack London sails to join the Klondike Gold Rush where he will write his first successful stories

  • Jul 26 37.5 cm rainfall at Jewell, Maryland (state record)
  • Jul 27 14.75" (37.5 cm) of rainfall, Jewell, Maryland (state 24-hr record)
  • Jul 27 Dutch government of Pierson/Goeman Borgesius resigns