Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Historical Events in September 1909

South Africa Act

Sep 2 King Edward VII signs South Africa Act

Peary 1st to North Pole?

Sep 6 New York Times headline announces American explorer Robert Peary had discovered the North Pole 5 months earlier (now thought unlikely)

  • Sep 7 Eugene Lefebvre becomes first pilot to die in an airplane craft, while test piloting new French-built Wright biplane at Juvisy
  • Sep 9 China's Metropolitan Library established by the Qing Dynasty in Beijing Guanghua temple (now the National Library of China) [1]

Johnson vs. Kaufman

Sep 9 Jack Johnson retains his heavyweight boxing title when he fights Al Kaufman to a no decision in 10 rounds at Coffroth's Arena, San Francisco, California

  • Sep 11 German astronomer Max Wolf rediscovers Halley's comet
  • Sep 12 World's first patent for synthetic rubber granted to German chemist Fritz Hofmann

Baseball History

Sep 13 Ty Cobb clinches AL HR title with his 9th HR (all inside-the-park)

  • Sep 17 Denis Peyrony and Louis Capitan discover the skull of an adult male Neanderthal (La Ferrassie 1) during excavations in a rock shelter near La Ferrassie, France
  • Sep 18 Largest paid baseball attendance (35,409), A's beat Tigers, 2-0 in Det
  • Sep 20 The British Parliament passes the South Africa Act; it calls for union of Cape Colony, Natal, Orange River Colony, and Transvaal; and both English and Dutch as official languages
  • Sep 25 Hudson-Fulton Celebration opens in NY

Naval Oil Reserves

Sep 27 US President William Howard Taft sets aside some 3 million acres of oil-rich public land (including Teapot Dome, Wyoming) for conservation purposes