Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Historical Events in August 1911

1st American Woman to get a Pilot's License

Aug 1 Harriet Quimby passes her pilot's test and becomes the 1st US woman to earn an Aero Club of America aviator's certificate

Omar Bradley Enters West Point

Aug 1 Omar Bradley, aged 18, begins education in West Point Military Academy

  • Aug 1 Transportation workers begin a major strike in England; part of a wave of industrial unrest
  • Aug 2 Haiti's dictator Simon flees on US warship near Jamaica
  • Aug 8 Public Law 62-5 sets the number of representatives in the United States House of Representatives at 435. The law would come into effect in 1913.
  • Aug 8 The millionth patent is filed in the United States Patent Office by Francis Holton for a tubeless vehicle tire.
  • Aug 10 Parliament Act reduces power of UK's House of Lords
  • Aug 10 The UK House of Commons votes on a salary - of £400 annually - for its members
  • Aug 14 General Leconte appointed temporary President of Haiti
  • Aug 14 United States Senate leaders begin to rotate the office of President pro tempore (for the time being) of the Senate among leading candidates to fill the vacancy left by William P. Frye's death.
  • Aug 15 Procter & Gamble unveils its Crisco shortening
  • Aug 19 NY Giant Christy Mathewson loses after beating Reds 22 straight times
  • Aug 21 "Mona Lisa" stolen from the Louvre by Vincenzo Perugia; recovered in 1913

War Meeting

Aug 23 British Prime Minister H. H. Asquith holds secret meeting about British strategy in case of war with Germany

  • Aug 24 Manuel d'Arriaga elected first president of Portugal

Walsh No-hits Red Sox

Aug 27 Chicago White Sox pitcher Ed Walsh no-hits Boston Red Sox, 5-0 at White Sox Park

  • Aug 28 45.7 cm rainfall at St George, Georgia (state record)
  • Aug 29 Ishi, considered the last Native American to make contact with European Americans, emerges from the wilderness of northeastern California.
  • Aug 31 The "Sullivan Act" requiring New Yorkers to possess licences for firearms small enough to be concealed comes into effect