Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Historical Events in November 1919

First Sea Lord

Nov 1 British Admiral David Beatty becomes First Sea Lord

  • Nov 5 Ir à Steringa Idzerda begins hosting "soirée-musical" on Dutch radio
  • Nov 6 1st Dutch radio program: Soirée Musicale with "Turf in you(r) ransel" is broadcast
  • Nov 7 US police raid offices of Union of Russian Workers
  • Nov 10 1st observance of National Book Week
  • Nov 10 American Legion's 1st national convention (Minneapolis)
  • Nov 11 Pope Benedictus XV states Roman Catholics political and business views
  • Nov 12 Ross & Keith Smith start a 1 month flight from London to Australia
  • Nov 14 Red Army captures Omsk, Siberia
  • Nov 15 US Senate 1st invokes the Cloture Rule to end a filibuster, passes Versailles Treaty [1]
  • Nov 16 Admiral Miklós Horthy, head of the Hungarian National Army, seizes Budapest and will later become regent of the restored Kingdom of Hungary
  • Nov 18 H. Tierney & J. McCarthy's musical "Irene" premieres in NYC

Signing of the Treaty of Versailles

Nov 19 US Senate rejects the Treaty of Versailles by a vote of 55 to 39; Congress two years later approves resolution ending hostilities with Germany and Austria-Hungary

  • Nov 20 1st municipally owned airport in US opens in Tucson, Arizona
  • Nov 22 15,000 men are cremated at Domela Newenhouse, Amsterdam
  • Nov 22 Labor conference committee in US urges 8-hour work day and 48-hour week

Paderewski Resigns

Nov 27 Ignacy Jan Paderewski resigns as Polish Prime Minister after ten months

  • Nov 27 Peace of Neuilly-sur-Seine: Allies & Bulgaria

1st Woman MP

Nov 28 American-born Lady Nancy Astor elected as the 1st female member of the British House of Commons (to take her seat)