Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Film and TV History in 1912

Helen Hayes Theater

Mar 12 Helen Hayes Theater (Little Theatre) opens at 240W 44th St, NYC

1st Unofficial Gold Record

Apr 17 1st unofficial gold record (Al Jolson's "Ragging The Baby To Sleep")

Tod und Teufel

Apr 29 Frank Wedekind's play "Tod und Teufel" premieres in Berlin

  • May 8 Film and television production and distribution studio Paramount Pictures is founded
  • May 18 Maurits Binger establishes two Dutch movie companies
  • Jul 31 US government prohibits movies and photos of prize fights (censorship)

First Keystone Comedy

Sep 23 1st Mack Sennett "Keystone Comedy" movie released "Cohen Collects a Debt"

  • Dec 23 1st "Keystone Kops" silent slapstick comedy film, entitled "Hoffmeyer's Legacy" is released