Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Events in Music History in 1912

1st Unofficial Gold Record

Apr 17 1st unofficial gold record (Al Jolson's "Ragging The Baby To Sleep")

Mahler's 9th Symphony

Jun 26 Gustav Mahler's 9th Symphony premieres in Vienna, Austria with Bruno Walter conducting the Vienna Philharmonic

Five Pieces for Orchestra

Sep 3 Arnold Schoenberg's "Funf Orchesterstucke" (Five Pieces for Orchestra) premieres in London at a Promenade Concert

Memphis Blues

Sep 27 W. C. Handy publishes "Memphis Blues", considered the 1st blues song

Deutsche Opernhaus

Nov 7 The Deutsche Opernhaus (now Deutsche Oper Berlin) opens in the Berlin neighborhood of Charlottenburg, with a production of Beethoven's Fidelio

  • Dec 12 Rudolf Friml and Otto Harbach's musical "Firefly" premieres in New York City