Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Alfred North Whitehead

Mathematician and Philosopher Alfred North Whitehead

Profession: Mathematician and Philosopher


Biography: Alfred North Whitehead was an English mathematician and philosopher who made significant contributions to fields including mathematics, logic, metaphysics, and the philosophy of science. His work is characterized by its broad scope and interdisciplinary nature, as well as its synthesis of empirical and rationalist modes of thought.

Whitehead is perhaps best known for his collaboration with Bertrand Russell on the influential work Principia Mathematica (1910-1913), which aimed to establish a rigorous logical foundation for mathematics. This monumental work is considered a landmark in the development of mathematical logic and the philosophy of mathematics.

In addition to his work in mathematics, Whitehead made substantial contributions to the field of metaphysics, most notably with his development of process philosophy. This philosophical approach, which emphasizes the dynamic, interconnected nature of reality, is presented in his seminal work, Process and Reality (1929). Process philosophy has had a lasting impact on various fields, including theology, ecology, and the social sciences.

Whitehead was also a prominent figure in the philosophy of science, where he sought to develop a comprehensive understanding of the natural world that reconciled the insights of both classical and modern physics. His work in this area includes the influential book Science and the Modern World (1925), in which he explores the historical development of scientific thought and its implications for human understanding.

Born: February 15, 1861
Birthplace: Ramsgate, England
Star Sign: Aquarius

Died: December 30, 1947 (aged 86)