Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Aung San

General and Politician Aung San

Profession: General and Politician


Biography: Aung San is credited by many in modern-day Myanmar as the 'Father of the Nation' for his role in securing independence from Britain.

After an early career of activism, he travelled to Japan to procure support for an uprising against the British; returning to Burma to recruit the 'Thirty Comrades' with whom he received training from the Japanese. This served as the nucleus of an army which would support the Japanese conquest of Burma as part of World War II.

During the period following the Japanese invasion, Aung San served in the Burmese government as an ally of Japan. When he saw the tide turning, however, he switched his allegiance to the allies so as to protect Burma's independence. He began to harass the Japanese forces with his 'Patriotic Burmese Forces' and received support from the Allies for this.

After the war, Aung San negotiated with the victorious British for Burmese independence.

After a period of negotiation, he was on the verge of achieving his lifelong aim when, in the last years, him and most of his cabinet were assassinated by unknown assailants. U Saw, who had been Prime Minister prior to WWII, was arrested and hung for his involvement; but many still suspect there were further parties involved.

Born: February 13, 1915
Birthplace: Natmauk, Myanmar

Generation: Greatest Generation
Chinese Zodiac: Tiger
Star Sign: Aquarius

Died: July 19, 1947 (aged 32)
Cause of Death: Assassinated by armed paramilitaries along with 6 members of his cabinet

Historical Events

  • 1947-07-19 Prime Minister of shadow Burma government, Bogyoke Aung San and 6 of his cabinet and 2 non-cabinet members assassinated by armed paramilitaries

Famous Generals