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Boss Tweed

Politician and Businessman Boss Tweed

Full Name: William M. Tweed
Profession: Politician and Businessman

United States of America

Biography: William M. "Boss" Tweed was an American politician and leader of Tammany Hall, the Democratic Party political machine that controlled New York City politics in the mid-19th century. He was known for his involvement in massive political corruption and for his influence on New York City's growth during the 19th century.

Tweed's rise to power started in the 1850s, when he became a member of the U.S. House of Representatives and subsequently served in the New York State Senate. In these roles, he expanded his influence and gathered a group of men who became known as the "Tweed Ring." These men dominated city and state politics for many years, effectively dictating policies and controlling funds.

At the height of his power, Tweed was the third-largest landowner in New York City, a director of the Erie Railroad, and the proprietor of the Metropolitan Hotel. He wielded significant influence and effectively controlled elections by manipulating the largely immigrant population, whose votes were often bought or coerced.

Tweed's reign, however, ended in scandal and disgrace. Following a series of exposés by The New York Times and political cartoonist Thomas Nast, Tweed was arrested in 1871 and charged with embezzlement and corruption. Although he briefly escaped and fled to Spain, he was recaptured and died in jail in 1878.

Born: April 3, 1823
Birthplace: NYC, New York, USA
Star Sign: Aries

Died: April 12, 1878 (aged 55)
Cause of Death: Pneumonia

Married Life

  • 1844-09-29 New York Politician Boss Tweed (21) weds Mary Jane C. Skaden

Historical Events

  • 1870-09-20 Mayor William Tweed accused of robbing NY treasury
  • 1871-10-27 Democratic leader of Tammany Hall NY, Boss Tweed is arrested after the NY Times exposes his corruption
  • 1873-11-19 William Magear Tweed "Boss Tweed", of Tammany Hall (NYC) convicted of defrauding city of $6M, sentenced to 12 years' imprisonment
  • 1875-12-04 Influential New York politician William Magear Tweed "Boss Tweed" of Tammany Hall escapes from jail where he was being held for embezzlement (flees to Spain but later recaptured)

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