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Clara Schumann

Pianist and Composer Clara Schumann

Full Name: Clara Wieck
Profession: Pianist and Composer


Biography: One of the most distinctive and distinguished performers of the Romantic era, Clara Wieck Schumann had a concert career of over 60 years, and also composed many pieces, mostly for the solo repertoire.

Both of Clara's parents were pianists, and her mother also sang. She was primarily raised and tutored by her father after her parents divorced when she was 5. A child prodigy, she made her first public concert at the age of 9. Before long, one of her performances inspired aspiring lawyer Robert Schumann to become a student of Wieck's father. He lived with and learned from the family for a year.

When Clara turned 18, Robert proposed to her. Mr. Wieck refused permission, and the couple sought and attained court approval for the union when she turned 21, in 1840. They had 8 children and she continued to perform, premiering works of her own, her husband's and their protégé Johannes Brahms.

Robert suffered a mental breakdown and was institutionalized for the last 2 years of his life, with Clara not permitted to visit until near the end. After his death, she continued touring in concert and recital appearances, and became the first woman on the faculty at Dr. Hoch's Konservatorium in Frankfurt.

Born: September 13, 1819
Birthplace: Leipzig, Germany
Star Sign: Virgo

Died: May 20, 1896 (aged 76)
Cause of Death: Stroke

Married Life

  • 1840-09-12 German pianist and composer Robert Schumann (30) marries German pianist and composer Clara Wieck (20), until his death in 1856

Historical Events

  • 1828-10-28 Clara Wieck, age 9, makes her official debut in a piano recital at the Gewandhaus concert hall in Leipzig, Germany
  • 1891-03-12 Clara Schumann plays Johannes Brahms's "Variations on a Theme by Haydn" for two pianos, with James Kwast in her last public concert (Frankfurt, Germany)