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Edward Grey

Statesman and Foreign Secretary Edward Grey

Full Name: Edward Grey, 1st Viscount Grey of Fallodon
Profession: Statesman and Foreign Secretary


Biography: Edward Grey was a liberal statesman known as the major player in British foreign policy during World War I. He was Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs from 1905 to 1916, which remains the record for longest time serving in this role.

Grey played a major role in defusing potential conflicts prior to the First World War, during which time he sought to prevent German aggression against France. In 1914, however, he argued successfully that Britain had an obligation to enter into the war in defense of France.

The infamous Sykes-Picot Agreement, known for the names of the British and French diplomats immediately responsible for the partitioning of the Ottoman Empire, was agreed to Britain and signed by Grey in 1916.

Born: April 25, 1862
Birthplace: London, England, United Kingdom
Star Sign: Taurus

Died: September 7, 1933 (aged 71)

Historical Events

  • 1906-02-01 Dorothy Grey, wife of British Foreign Secretary Edward Grey is fatally injured in a motor accident
  • 1913-12-13 British Foreign Secretary Edward Grey proposes that southern Albania be divided between Greece and Albania with compensation to Greece in the Aegean islands
  • 1914-08-03 British Foreign Secretary Edward Grey famously remarks "The lamps are going out all over Europe. We shall not see them lit again in our life-time."

Famous Diplomats