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Francis Drake

Admiral, Explorer and Navigator Francis Drake

Profession: Admiral, Explorer and Navigator


Biography: Francis Drake was an English sea captain, privateer, navigator, slaver, and politician of the Elizabethan era. His adventures and confrontations with the Spanish made him a hero to the English but a pirate to the Spaniards to whom he was known as El Draque. Queen Elizabeth I awarded Drake a knighthood in 1581 for his exploits, and he was second-in-command of the English fleet against the Spanish Armada in 1588.

One of Drake's most notable exploits was his circumnavigation of the globe from 1577 to 1580. He emerged as the first Englishman to navigate the straits of Magellan and was the first to claim California for England, believing it to be an island separate from the mainland of America. Drake’s exploration ventures paved the way for an English expansion into the New World.

Although primarily known as an explorer and naval tactician, Drake also served as the Mayor of Plymouth and as a Member of Parliament. His impact extended beyond exploration and politics to the realm of naval warfare, where he helped revolutionize naval combat during the Elizabethan era.

Birthplace: Tavistock, England, United Kingdom

Died: January 28, 1596
Cause of Death: Dysentery

Articles and Photos

Historical Events

  • 1573-08-07 Francis Drake's fleet returns to Plymouth after a year spent raiding for Spanish treasure
  • 1577-12-13 Francis Drake sets sail from England on an epic three year circumnavigation of the world aboard the 'Pelican' (later renamed the 'Golden Hind')
  • 1578-08-20 Francis Drake renames his flagship the 'Pelican' to the 'Golden Hind' in honor of his patron, Sir Christopher Hatton
  • 1579-03-01 British admiral and explorer Francis Drake surprises and captures the Spanish treasure ship 'Nuestra Señora de la Concepción' off the coast of Peru, Drake's richest plunder
  • 1579-06-17 English navigator Francis Drake lands on the coast of California at Drakes Bay, names it "New Albion"
  • 1579-07-23 Francis Drake departs San Francisco to cross the Pacific Ocean
  • 1579-10-16 Francis Drake sights land in the Philippines after crossing the Pacific Ocean aboard the 'Golden Hind'
  • 1579-11-03 Francis Drake arrives at Ternate in the East Indies and makes a trade treaty with the Sultan of Ternate, buys a cargo of cloves
  • 1580-01-09 Francis Drake's ship the 'Golden Hind' strikes a reef off the Celebes islands, slips off the next day and sails onward to Java then around the Cape of Good Hope and back to Plymouth in England
  • 1580-09-26 Francis Drake completes circumnavigation of the world, sailing into Plymouth aboard the 'Golden Hind'
  • 1581-04-04 Francis Drake knighted by Queen Elizabeth I aboard his galleon "Golden Hind" at Deptford, England
  • 1587-04-29 English naval officer Francis Drake sails into Cadiz, Spain and sinks the Spanish fleet, thereby "Singeing the King of Spain's Beard" and delaying the Spanish invasion by a year
  • 1590-07-06 English admiral Francis Drake takes Portuguese Forts at Taag
  • 1595-11-22 English fleet led by Francis Drake and John Hawkins unsuccessfully attack San Juan, Puerto Rico during the Anglo-Spanish War

Biographies and Sources