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Giovanni Giolitti

Prime Minister of Italy Giovanni Giolitti

Profession: Prime Minister of Italy


Biography: Giovanni Giolitti was an Italian statesman, best known for his tenure as Prime Minister of Italy. Serving five non-consecutive terms between 1892 and 1921, his political tenure, known as the Giolittian Era, was marked by significant social reforms, economic expansion, and the practice of trasformismo.

Giolitti began his career in public administration, steering away from military service during the Risorgimento. After earning a law degree, he held various governmental roles before being elected to the Chamber of Deputies in 1882. He served as Minister of Treasury and Finance under Prime Minister Francesco Crispi but resigned over policy disagreements.

Giolitti's first term as prime minister began in 1892, accompanied by the Banca Romana scandal and unrest in Sicily. During his time in office, he was known for trasformismo, the formation of flexible centrist coalitions, which was used to stabilize and lead the government.

He implemented several progressive social reforms, including worker protections and a policy of government intervention in the economy. His administration also nationalized telephone and railroad operations, facing opposition from supporters of free trade. Under his lead, Italy saw improvements in living conditions and its economy.

Giolitti balanced conservatism and progressivism in his policies. He managed the response to the 1908 Messina earthquake effectively and worked to lessen the socioeconomic gap between Northern and Southern Italy. Internationally, he led Italy into the Italo-Turkish War, which resulted in the acquisition of Libya.

Later, Giolitti founded the Liberal Union and supported the Gentiloni Pact, connecting with Catholic voters. He opposed Italy's entry into World War I, which caused his political influence to wane. After the war, Giolitti's brief return to power was overshadowed by the rise of Fascism and the increasing prominence of Benito Mussolini.

Born: October 27, 1842
Birthplace: Mondovì, Kingdom of Sardinia
Star Sign: Scorpio

Died: July 17, 1928 (aged 85)

Historical Events

  • 1903-11-03 Giovanni Giolitti becomes Prime Minister of Italy; a progressive liberal, he will hold his post through most of the next decade and introduce social, agrarian and labor reforms
  • 1905-03-12 The continuing strikes and disorders that unsettle Italy force out Premier Giovanni Giolitti, though he will return in March, 1906

Biographies and Sources

Famous Italians