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Henry II of Castile

King of Castile and León Henry II of Castile

Profession: King of Castile and León


Biography: Henry II of Castile, also known as Henry of Trastámara or Henry the Fratricidal, was the first King of Castile and León in his line.

He initiated the House of Trastámara after a lengthy conflict in which he ultimately defeated and killed his half-brother, Peter the Cruel.

Henry's reign was marked by his involvement in both the Fernandine Wars and Hundred Years' War.

He was also known for his hostility to Jews, as against the friendly policy of his half-brother Peter.

Born: January 13, 1334
Birthplace: Seville, Spain
Star Sign: Capricorn

Died: May 29, 1379 (aged 45)

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