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Jalal Talabani

6th President of Iraq Jalal Talabani

Profession: 6th President of Iraq


Biography: Jalal Talabani was a Kurdish politician in Iraq, also known as Mam Jalal ("Uncle Jalal"), who served as the President of Iraq from 2005 to 2014, a position that made him one of the key figures in the post-Saddam Hussein era. Talabani's presidency was a landmark in the history of Iraq, as he was the first non-Arab to become President of the country.

Born in the village of Kelkan in Iraqi Kurdistan, Talabani was involved in Kurdish politics from a young age. He joined the Kurdish Democratic Party (KDP) as a teenager and quickly rose through its ranks. In 1975, following disagreements with the KDP leadership, he split from the party and founded the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), which became one of the two main Kurdish factions in Iraq.

Talabani was a key figure in the Kurdish resistance against the Iraqi government, particularly during Saddam Hussein's regime, which saw brutal campaigns against the Kurdish population. Following the Gulf War in 1991 and the establishment of a no-fly zone over northern Iraq, the Kurds attained a degree of autonomy, and Talabani emerged as a leader in the newly formed Kurdish autonomous region.

After the fall of Saddam Hussein in 2003, Talabani became an important player in the national political landscape of Iraq. He was a member of the Iraqi Governing Council, which was established following the U.S.-led invasion. His election as President of Iraq in 2005 was a significant moment in Iraqi history, with Talabani symbolizing the political changes in the country and the inclusion of Kurdish interests in the new government.

As President, Talabani worked towards the stabilization and reconstruction of Iraq, advocating for unity among the country's diverse ethnic and religious groups. He was seen as a unifying figure, capable of bridging divides between Kurds, Arabs, Sunnis, and Shiites in a country often marked by sectarian conflict.

After suffering a stroke in 2012, Talabani's health deteriorated, eventually stepping down from the presidency in 2014. He passed away in 2017 but lived long enough to see the 2017 Iraqi Kurdistan referendum swing 92% in favor of independence.

Born: November 12, 1933
Birthplace: Kelkan, Iraq

Generation: Silent Generation
Chinese Zodiac: Rooster
Star Sign: Scorpio

Died: October 3, 2017 (aged 83)
Cause of Death: Brain haemorrhage following a stroke

Historical Events

  • 2005-04-06 Kurdish leader Jalal Talabani becomes the Iraqi president; Shiite Arab Ibrahim al-Jaafari is named premier the next day
  • 2017-09-25 92% of Iraqi Kurds vote in favour of independence in controversial referendum

Biographies and Sources

Famous Iraqis