Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

P. W. Botha

President of South Africa P. W. Botha
Mitrofanov Alexander /

Full Name: Pieter Willem Botha
Profession: President of South Africa

South Africa
South African

Biography: Nicknamed the Great Crocodile, Botha was one of the most notorious leaders and proponents of South Africa's apartheid system.

He was outspoken in his support of white minority rule while his government repressed dissent, encouraged rivalries among tribes and ethnic groups, and tried to destabilize neighboring countries opposed to the system of white rule.

Botha campaigned for 'No' in the 1992 referendum on ending apartheid and attacked F. W. De Klerk's administration for negotiating and releasing Nelson Mandela.

Born: January 12, 1916
Birthplace: Paul Roux, Orange Free State Province, South Africa

Generation: Greatest Generation
Chinese Zodiac: Rabbit
Star Sign: Capricorn

Died: October 31, 2006 (aged 90)
Cause of Death: Heart attack

Articles and Photos

Historical Events

  • 1978-10-09 P.W. Botha succeeds John Vorster as Prime Minister of South Africa
  • 1980-06-23 South African Prime Minister P. W. Botha warns the country that confrontation will be inevitable if his proposed President's Council fails
  • 1982-06-25 South African President P. W. Botha issues a new Proclamation again placing Ingwavuma under government control
  • 1985-01-31 South African President P. W. Botha offers to free Nelson Mandela if he denounces violence
  • 1985-08-07 A delegation of the South African Council of Churches meets with President P. W. Botha, following calls by the church for urgent discussions on the causes of unrest, forced removals and the emergency regulations in the country
  • 1985-08-15 P. W. Botha gives the "Rubicon" Speech in Durban, South Africa, disappointing many by refusing to consider immediate and major reforms in the country's apartheid system
  • 1985-08-19 Following the Rubicon speech four days earlier, Archbishop Desmond Tutu snubs P. W. Botha's invitation to attend a meeting to discuss the role and actions of the police and security forces in South Africa
  • 1986-05-16 South African President P. W. Botha sends Coetsee to visit Mandela
  • 1986-06-12 P. W. Botha declares South African national emergency
  • 1989-02-02 F. W. de Klerk replaces P. W. Botha as South Africa's National Party leader
  • 1989-07-05 South African President P. W. Botha visits ANC leader Nelson Mandela
  • 1989-08-14 President P. W. Botha of South Africa resigns
  • 1990-05-06 Former president P. W. Botha quits South Africa's ruling National Party
  • 1998-08-21 P. W. Botha found guilty of contempt for repeatedly ignoring subpoenas to testify before South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission

Famous South African Presidents