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Pierre Corneille

Poet and Dramatist Pierre Corneille

Profession: Poet and Dramatist


Biography: Pierre Corneille was a French playwright, often considered one of the three great seventeenth-century French dramatists alongside Molière and Racine. He rose to prominence in the French literary scene with his work Le Cid in 1637.

Le Cid, which focuses on the complexities of honor and duty, was both a commercial and critical success, although it sparked controversy and was scrutinized for its departure from classical dramatic norms. This play ultimately caused Corneille to quarrel with his patron, Cardinal Richelieu.

Corneille was a pioneer in French tragedy, delving into themes of integrity, love, and ambition. His major works, including Horace (1640), Cinna (1641), and Polyeucte (1643), were lauded for their intricate plots, character development, and the moral dilemmas faced by their protagonists. These works were critical in shaping the French classical tragedy and laid the groundwork for subsequent generations of playwrights.

Aside from tragedies, Corneille also wrote comedies and even delved into religious plays, although with less acclaim compared to his tragedies. His later years were overshadowed by the works of Jean Racine, his younger contemporary, who became the dominant French tragedian later in the 17th century.

Corneille’s work was not just limited to the theater. He was also commissioned to write occasional verse and was involved in the Académie française, the French language's preeminent body, though his relationship with this institution was fraught with disputes and controversies.

His work became the subject of extensive analysis and laid the foundation for French dramatic theory. The "Quarrel of Le Cid," for instance, became a pivotal moment in French literature, raising questions about dramatic conventions, moral messages in art, and the role of theater in society.

Born: June 6, 1606
Birthplace: Rouen, France
Star Sign: Gemini

Died: October 1, 1684 (aged 78)

Historical Events

  • 1640-03-09 Pierre Corneilles play "Horace" premieres in Paris
  • 1659-01-24 Pierre Corneille's play "Oedipe" premieres in Paris
  • 1664-07-31 Pierre Corneille's play, the tragedy "Othon" premieres in Paris
  • 1670-11-28 Pierre Corneille's comedic play "Tite et Berenice" premieres in Paris
  • 1674-10-11 Pierre Corneille's tragedy "Surena" premieres in Paris