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Suleiman the Magnificent

Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent

Full Name: Suleiman I
Profession: Ottoman Sultan


Biography: As the only son of Sultan Selim I, Suleiman succeeded his father to the throne in 1520.

He embarked on a series of military campaigns that expanded and consolidated his Empire, his reign is now regarded as the peak of Ottoman influence.

His first campaigns were against the Christian kingdoms of eastern Europe. He conquered Belgrade in 1521, Rhodes in 1522-3, and defeated Hungarian forces at the decisive Battle of Mohács in 1526, establishing Ottoman superiority in the region for 150 years.

Suleiman also undertook three major campaigns in Persia, defeating Iraq and occupying Baghdad. Suleiman's naval forces became a major power in the Mediterranean, establishing their influence after the battle of Preveza in 1538 under Ottoman commander Barbarossa.

In the East Suleiman became known as the "Lawgiver" for his efforts to reform the Ottoman law system. Although dominated by military campaigns Suleiman's rule was also a rich period for art and architecture. Under his reign his chief architect Sinan oversaw the construction of the famous Süleymaniye and Selimiye mosques.

Born: November 6, 1494
Birthplace: Trabzon, Ottoman Empire
Star Sign: Scorpio

Died: September 5, 1566 (aged 71)

Historical Events

  • 1520-09-30 Suleiman the Magnificent succeeds his father Selam I as Ottoman Sultan (rules till 1566)
  • 1522-12-20 Suleiman the Magnificent accepts surrender of the surviving Knights of Rhodes, who are allowed to evacuate. They eventually settle in Malta and become known as the Knights of Malta.
  • 1526-08-29 Battle of Mohács: In a decisive battle the Hungarian Empire is conquered by the Ottoman Empire led by Suleiman the Magnificent
  • 1528-02-24 John Zápolya the disputed King of Hungary and Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent sign treaty
  • 1529-09-24 Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent and his Ottoman troops arrive in Vienna, beginning of the siege
  • 1533-06-22 Ferdinand of Austria and Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent sign peace treaty in Constantinople
  • 1534-12-04 Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent occupies Baghdad
  • 1541-08-21 Ottoman Turks under Suleiman the Magnificent capture Buda, the capital of the Hungarian Kingdom and go on to dominate central Hungary for 150 years
  • 1547-06-13 Peace of Adrianople (Treaty of Edirne) King Ferdinand of Austria agrees to pay Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent 30,000 gold Forints for western Hungary
  • 1562-06-01 Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand I and Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent sign treaty

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