Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Nicaraguan History Timeline

Events in Nicaraguan History

  • 1821-09-15 Act of Independence of Central America: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras & Nicaragua declare their independence from the Spanish Empire
  • 1824-07-25 Costa Rica annexes Guanacaste from Nicaragua.
  • 1825-04-10 Nicaraguan constituent assembly meets at Leon
  • 1838-04-30 Nicaragua declares independence from the Federal Republic of Central America
  • 1848-01-01 Britain takes Mosquito Coast from Nicaragua
  • 1849-03-12 1st gold seekers arrive in Nicaragua en route to California
  • 1854-07-13 US forces shell and burn San Juan del Norte, Nicaragua
  • 1855-06-01 US adventurer William Walker conquers Nicaragua, reestablishes slavery
  • 1856-04-11 Battle of Rivas; Costa Rica beats William Walker's invading Nicaraguans
  • 1856-09-14 Battle of San Jacinto at Hacienda San Jacinto, Nicaraguan forces defeat American filibusters
  • 1857-05-01 William Walker, conqueror of Nicaragua, surrenders to US Navy
  • 1860-01-28 Britain formally returns Mosquito Coast to Nicaragua
  • 1893-07-11 A revolution led by the liberal general and politician, José Santos Zelaya, takes over state power in Nicaragua
  • 1894-02-24 Nicaragua captures Tegucigalpa, Honduras
  • 1894-11-20 US intervenes in Bluefields, Nicaragua
  • 1895-06-20 Nicaragua, El Salvador and Honduras form a short-lived confederation
  • 1895-06-28 El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua form Central American Union
  • 1896-03-20 Marines land in Nicaragua to protect US citizens
  • 1900-11-30 The First Isthmian Canal Commission, appointed by the President having examined possible routes for a canal, issues its report favoring that through Nicaragua over the Panama route
  • 1902-01-04 The French Panama Canal Company offers to sell its right to build a canal to the US for 40 million, tipping the balance away from those favoring a canal through Nicaragua
  • 1902-01-18 Despite reports that favor the US building a route through Nicaragua for a canal, a 'supplementary report' recommends the route through Panama
  • 1907-03-21 US sends troops to Honduras to halt the Nicaraguan army takeover
  • 1907-11-13 The Conference of Central American States, convoked in response to the war between Honduras and Nicaragua, meets in Washington, D.C. to promote unification
  • 1909-11-18 US invades Nicaragua, later overthrows President Zelaya
  • 1909-12-16 A conservative revolution and US pressure forces Nicaraguan President Jose Santos from office
  • 1910-08-20 US supported opposition brings down Madriz in Nicaragua
  • 1911-06-06 Nicaragua signs treaty turning over customs to US (not ratified)
  • 1912-05-30 US Marines sent to Nicaragua
  • 1912-08-14 2,500 US marines invade Nicaragua; US remains until 1925
  • 1913-12-02 Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Managua created in Nicaragua
  • 1913-12-15 Nicaragua becomes a signatory to the Buenos Aires copyright treaty
  • 1914-08-05 US and Nicaragua sign treaty granting canal rights to US
  • 1925-08-03 Last US troops leave Nicaragua (there since 1912)
  • 1925-08-04 US marines leave Nicaragua after 13-year occupation
  • 1926-05-02 US military intervenes in Nicaragua
  • 1926-05-03 US Marines land in Nicaragua (9 months after leaving), stay until 1933
  • 1927-01-06 US marines return to Nicaragua
  • 1927-05-04 Nicaragua agrees to a US supervised presidential election in 1928
  • 1927-06-30 Nicaraguan revolutionary Augusto César Sandino issues his Manifesto Politico
  • 1927-07-16 Augusto César Sandino begins 5½ year war against US occupation of Nicaragua
  • 1928-11-04 Jose Moncada elected president of Nicaragua
  • 1931-04-01 Earthquake devastate Managua Nicaragua, kills 2,000
  • 1933-01-02 US troops leave Nicaragua
  • 1934-02-21 Nicaraguan patriot Augusto César Sandino and three others kidnapped and assassinated by the National Guard in Larreynaga
  • 1936-06-02 General Anastasio Somoza García takes over as dictator of Nicaragua
  • 1936-12-08 Anastasio Somoza García elected President of Nicaragua
  • 1937-01-01 Anastasio Somoza García becomes President of Nicaragua

United Nations Charter

1945-07-06 Nicaragua becomes 1st nation to ratify the Charter of the United Nations

Che Guevara Begins Road Trip

1953-07-07 Che Guevara sets out on a trip through Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, and El Salvador

Event of Interest

1955-11-03 Argentine ex-president Juan Perón arrives in Nicaragua

  • 1959-05-30 President Luis Somoza Debayle ends emergency crisis in Nicaragua
  • 1961-04-14 Cuban-American invasion army departs Nicaragua

Anastasio Somoza Debayle President

1967-02-05 Anastasio Somoza Debayle elected President of Nicaragua

  • 1967-05-01 Anastasio Somoza Debayle becomes President of Nicaragua
  • 1971-04-25 US canal rights in Nicaragua & rights to Corn Islands expire
  • 1972-12-22 6.25 earthquake strikes Managua Nicaragua, 12,000+ killed
  • 1972-12-23 6.25 Earthquake destroys central Managua Nicaragua, 10,000 die
  • 1974-11-23 Alexis Argüello of Nicaragua knocks out Mexican defending champion Rubén Olivares in the 13th round at the Forum in Inglewood, California, to claim the WBA world featherweight boxing title
  • 1978-08-22 Left-wing Sandinistas revolutionaries occupy National Palace in Managua, Nicaragua
  • 1979-07-17 Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza Debayle flees to Miami
  • 1979-07-19 Nicaragua Liberation Day; Sandinistas take over from Anastasio Somoza Debayle
  • 1980-03-23 Nicaraguan National Literary Crusade begins: crusade teachers swear in plazas across the country to exterminate ignorance in just five months (will successfully reduce illiteracy from 50% to 12%) [1]
  • 1980-08-12 Nicaragua celebrates the end of their National Literary Crusade - a massive effort over five months that reduced illiteracy from 50% to 12%

Reagan's Covert Plan

1981-11-16 President Reagan decides on a covert plan to block the Cuban aid to Nicaragua and El Salvador

  • 1982-03-15 Nicaragua suspends their citizens rights for 30 days
  • 1983-06-06 Nicaragua expels 3 US diplomats
  • 1984-03-07 The United States attacks San Juan del Sur in Nicaragua.
  • 1984-04-10 US Senate condemns CIA mining of Nicaraguan harbors
  • 1984-05-10 Intl Court of Justice rules on US blockade of Nicaragua
  • 1984-05-30 Bomb explodes in rebel leader Edén Pastora's headquarters in Nicaragua
  • 1984-11-04 Nicaragua holds first free elections in 56 years; Sandinistas win 63%

Ortega Takes Power

1985-01-10 Daniel Ortega inaugurated as President of Nicaragua for the first time

  • 1985-05-01 US President Reagan ends embargo against Nicaragua
  • 1986-06-27 World Court rules US aid to Nicaraguan contras illegal
  • 1987-01-09 New Nicaraguan constitution takes effect
  • 1987-04-28 American engineer Ben Linder is killed in an ambush by U.S.-funded Contras in northern Nicaragua.
  • 1988-03-16 US sends 3,000 soldiers to Nicaragua's neighbor Honduras
  • 1988-03-29 US Congress discontinues aid to Nicaraguan contras
  • 1989-08-05 General elections are held in Nicaragua with the Sandinista Front winning a majority.
  • 1990-02-25 Nicaraguans votes out Sandinistas
  • 1990-02-26 The Sandinistas are defeated in Nicaraguan elections.
  • 1990-04-19 Contra guerrillas, leftist Sandinistas & incoming government agree to truce n Nicaragua's civil war
  • 1990-04-25 Violeta Chamorro begins a 6-year term as Nicaragua's 1st female president
  • 1991-08-06 American softball pitcher Debbie Doom strikes out 17 in her 2nd consecutive perfect game at the Pan American Games in Havana, Cuba; beats Nicaragua, 8-0
  • 1992-09-02 Nicaragua struck by earthquake/floodings; 118 die

Arnoldo Aleman Sworn In

1997-01-10 Arnoldo Aleman sworn in as president of Nicaragua

  • 2000-08-23 Nicaragua becomes a member of the Berne Convention copyright treaty. This essentially deprecated the Buenos Aires Convention treaty, because as of this date, all members of the BA Convention were also signatories to Berne.
  • 2001-12-01 Nicaraguan baseball team wins the Central American Games; Ramon Padilla ends 15 year stint with the national team with 2 homers in the 9-0 finale against Guatemala
  • 2017-10-06 Storm Nate kills at least 22 people passing through Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Honduras
  • 2018-04-18 Protests begin in Managua, Nicaragua, over proposed changes to social security, protesters beaten by suspected pro-government gangs
  • 2018-05-09 Nicaraguan anti-government protests involving tens of thousands take place in Managua and Matagalpa y Chinandega
  • 2018-06-30 March of the Flowers in Managua, Nicaragua, commemorating youth killed under government crackdown turns violent with 1 person killed and eight injured
  • 2018-07-14 More than 300 people now reported killed in protests against government of President Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua
  • 2018-07-18 Nicaraguan government announces Masaya is back under its control after violent clashes with anti-government protesters
  • 2018-11-27 US accuses Nicaragua's Vice-President Rosario Murillo, wife of President Daniel Ortega of human rights abuses and imposes sanctions
  • 2020-11-03 Hurricane Eta makes landfall in Nicaragua as a Category Four storm with winds of 140 km, killing at least 235 people across Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico and Panama
  • 2020-11-16 Hurricane Iota makes landfall in Nicaragua as a category four storm, just 15 km south of Hurricane Eta 13 days ago