Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Sudanese History Timeline

Events in Sudanese History

  • 1821-06-14 King of Sennar, Badi VII surrenders his throne and realm to general Ismail Pasha of the Ottoman Empire, bringing the 300 year old Sudanese kingdom to an end
  • 1876-04-11 Sir Charles Gordon ends religious tolerance in Sudan
  • 1879-08-23 Governor-general Charles Gordon of Sudan returns to Cairo
  • 1881-06-19 Muhammad Ahmad becomes Mahdi of Sudan
  • 1883-11-05 Battle at El Obeid Sudan: Mahdi's army destroys Egyptian army
  • 1884-01-18 General Charles Gordon departs London for Khartoum, Sudan
  • 1884-03-13 Siege of Khartoum, Sudan begins by Mahdist forces, lasts 10 months
  • 1885-01-17 Battle of Abu Klea (Battle of Abu Tulayh), Sudan: British Desert Column defeat Mahdist forces: 76 British and 1,100 Mahdists killed
  • 1885-01-19 Battle of Abu Kru (Battle of Gubat), Sudan: British Desert Column defeat Mahdist forces: 121 British and untold Mahdists killed
  • 1890-04-06 French troops under capt Archinard occupy Segu, West-Sudan
  • 1890-04-27 French troops under Capt Archinard occupy Oussebougou, West Sudan
  • 1891-01-01 French troops occupy Nioro, West-Sudan, 3000 killed
  • 1891-02-18 Capt Archinard's army fights with Nyamina of Niger in West-Sudan
  • 1891-02-24 French troops under Captain Archinard occupy Diena West Sudan

Kitchener Army Occupies Dongola

1896-09-21 British General Kitchener's army occupies Dongola, Sudan

  • 1898-04-08 Battle of Atbara River: Anglo-Egyptian forces defeat 15,000 Sudanese during the Mahdist War, a turning point in the reconquest of Sudan
  • 1898-07-12 Jean-Baptiste Marchand hoists French flag in Fashoda, Sudan
  • 1898-09-01 Lord Kitchener's troops attack Omdurman, Sudan
  • 1898-09-02 Battle of Omdurman: Lord Kitchener retakes Sudan for Britain
  • 1898-09-10 Lord Kitchener sails from Khartoum to Fashoda to confront French attempts to claim territory in the Sudan
  • 1898-09-18 Lord Kitchener's ships reach Fashoda, Sudan
  • 1898-09-29 Wassoulou Empire leader Samori Ture captured by French troops in West Africa ending his 20 year rule

Beatty Made Commander

1898-11-15 British naval officer David Beatty promoted to commander after Sudan Campaign

  • 1899-01-19 Anglo-Egyptian Sudan forms
  • 1901-11-26 Italy and Britain sign an agreement fixing the frontier between their colonies of Eritrea and Sudan in East Africa
  • 1924-11-22 Britain orders Egyptians out of Sudan
  • 1932-09-05 The French Upper Volta is broken apart between Ivory Coast, French Sudan, and Niger
  • 1941-01-19 British troops occupies Kassalaf, Sudan
  • 1954-03-01 Rebellion in Egypt during visit of president Naguib to Khartoum, Sudan, 30 die
  • 1956-01-01 Sudan (Anglo-Egyptian Sudan) declares independence from Egypt & UK
  • 1956-03-23 Sudan becomes independent
  • 1959-04-04 Mali Federation founded, consisting of Senegal & French Sudan (dissolved 1960)
  • 1960-09-22 Mali (formerly French Sudan) declares independence from France
  • 1964-11-15 Sudan Premier Ibrahim Abbud resigns
  • 1969-05-25 Sudanese government is overthrown in a military coup
  • 1971-07-19 Sudan military coup under maj Hashem al-Atta, Numeiry flees
  • 1971-07-22 Sudanese military counter-coup under premier Numeiry
  • 1973-04-12 Sudan adopts constitution
  • 1983-05-16 Sudan People's Liberation Army and Movement rebels against the Sudanese government
  • 1985-01-05 Operation Moses, covert airlifting of about 8000 Ethiopian Jews from war-torn Sudan to Israel via Belgium ends
  • 1985-04-06 Sudan suspends constitution after coup under general Swarreddahab
  • 1985-10-10 Sudan adopts interim constitution
  • 1986-08-16 Sudan rebels shoot a Fokker's F-27 down, 57 killed
  • 1989-06-30 Sudan suspends interim constitution following coup
  • 1991-01-20 Sudan's government imposes Islamic law nationwide, worsening the civil war between the country's Muslim north and Christian south.
  • 1992-03-24 Sudanese Boeing 707 crashes on mountain Hymettos at Athens: 5-6 die

Appointment of Interest

1993-10-16 General Omar al-Bashir appointed Sudan president

  • 1994-02-04 20 die in armed assault on mosque in Khartoum, Sudan
  • 1994-08-14 Terrorist "Carlos" arrested in Khartoum, Sudan
  • 1994-08-15 Terrorist Carlos the Jackal, captured in Khartoum Sudan
  • 1998-08-20 U.S. embassy bombings: US military launches cruise missile attacks against alleged al-Qaida camps in Afghanistan and a suspected chemical plant in Sudan in retaliation for August 7 bombings of American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania
  • 2003-07-08 Sudan Airways Flight 39, with 116 people on board, crashes in Sudan; the only survivor is a two-year-old boy who subsequently dies as a result of his injuries
  • 2004-04-08 The Humanitarian Ceasefire Agreement on the Conflict in Darfur is signed by the Sudanese government and two rebel groups, ending hostilities amid a 45 day ceasefire [1]
  • 2005-01-09 The signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, commonly known as the Naivasha Agreement between the Government of Sudan and the Sudan People's Liberation Movement rebel group in Naivasha, Kenya.
  • 2005-12-23 Chad declares a state of war against Sudan following a December 18 attack on Adré, which left about 100 people dead
  • 2006-05-05 The government of Sudan signs an accord with the Sudan Liberation Army
  • 2009-03-04 International Criminal Court issues an arrest warrant for Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir for war crimes and crimes against humanity in Darfur becoming the first sitting head of state to be indicted
  • 2011-07-09 South Sudan gains independence and secedes from Sudan.
  • 2012-03-12 100 people are killed in ethnic clashes and cattle raids in South Sudan
  • 2012-08-19 Plane crash in mountainous region of Talodi, Sudan kills 32, including several government officials and staff, enroute to Eid al-Fitr festival marking end Muslim holy month of Ramadan; crash blamed on bad weather conditions
  • 2012-10-07 13 people are killed after a Sudanese military aeroplane crashes near Khartoum
  • 2012-11-01 Yellow fever kills 32 people and sickens 50 more in Darfur, Sudan
  • 2013-02-23 51 people are killed and 62 are injured in conflict between rival tribes in Darfur, Sudan
  • 2013-03-28 143 rebels and 20 government troop are killed in conflict in Pibor County, Sudan
  • 2013-04-08 163 people are killed and 50,000 are displaced after tribal violence erupts in Darfur, Sudan
  • 2013-04-09 12 civilians and UN peacekeepers are killed in an ambush in Jonglei, Sudan
  • 2013-05-02 60 miners are killed after a gold mine collapses in Jebel Amir, North Darfur, Sudan
  • 2013-07-30 134 people are killed in tribal conflicts in Darfyr, Sudan
  • 2013-10-20 78 people are killed by cattle raiders in Jonglei, Sudan
  • 2014-12-13 Fatou Bensouda, the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, criticizes UN Security Council for its lack of action over war crimes in the Darfur region of Sudan
  • 2015-09-16 Oil tanker explosion kills 170 in Maridi, South Sudan
  • 2015-11-04 Plane crashes after take-off from Juba international airport, South Sudan, killing 37, 1-year-old survives in father's arms
  • 2017-02-20 Famine is declared in Unity State, South Sudan, affecting 4.9 million
  • 2018-02-07 Armed groups release 300 child soldiers from Yambio, South Sudan according to UN
  • 2018-03-19 World's last male northern white rhino, 45-year-old Sudan, dies in Kenya
  • 2018-06-26 Sudanese court overturns death sentence for teenager who killed the husband after he raped her
  • 2018-06-27 President Salva Kiir of South Sudan and former Vice President Riek MacharSouth sign peace deal to end four-year civil war
  • 2018-08-06 South Sudan peace accord signed between South Sudanese President Salva Kiir and rebel leader Riek Machar in Sudan attempting to end 5 years of civil war
  • 2018-08-15 Boat overturns in floods near the Nile in Northern Sudan, leaving 25 dead, most of them school children

Buhari Denies Death

2018-12-02 Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari denies he has died and been replaced by a Sudanese impostor after ill health

  • 2019-02-23 Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir declares a national emergency, dismisses the federal government and sacks all state governors
  • 2019-03-20 Finland is the world's happiest country, South Sudan is world's least happy, according to annual World Happiness Report

Anti Omar al-Bashir Protest

2019-04-08 Protests in Sudan against the government of Omar al-Bashir continue with seven killed and 2,500 arrested in Khartoum

  • 2019-04-11 Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir is overthrown and arrested by the army in Khartoum after 29 years in power following massive street protests
  • 2019-04-25 Thousands march in Khartoum, Sudan calling for civilian rule
  • 2019-05-13 Former President of Sudan Omar al-Bashir is charged in connection with the deaths of protesters the previous month
  • 2019-06-03 Sudanese military attacks protesters in Khartoum killing 100 people, some dumped in the river Nile, prompting international condemnation
  • 2019-06-09 General strike begins in Khartoum, Sudan, as a protest against ruling military generals by the Sudanese Professionals Association
  • 2019-06-13 Recently deposed Sudan President Omar al-Bashir is charged with corruption in Sudan
  • 2019-06-30 Large protests in Khartoum, Sudan, against continuing military rule, kill seven and injure 181
  • 2019-08-17 Landmark power-sharing deal signed by military and civilian leaders celebrated in Khartoum, Sudan, with transitional government to take over Sept 1
  • 2019-08-19 Sudanese Ex-President Omar al-Bashir admits he has received $90 million from Saudi Arabian royals at the start of his corruption trial in Khartoum
  • 2020-02-18 Swarms of desert locusts affecting east Africa reach South Sudan, threatening a food crisis
  • 2020-04-22 Sudan bans female genital mutilation and makes it a criminal offense
  • 2020-07-21 Former Sudanese leader Omar al-Bashir goes on trial in Khartoum for the 1989 coup that toppled the government
  • 2021-10-25 Sudan's military takes control of the country, dissolving the power-sharing government and declaring a state of emergency
  • 2022-01-02 Sudan’s Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok resigns in a televised address amid political deadlock after a rejection of his deal with the military by pro-democracy forces
  • 2022-04-24 Violent clashes between Arab nomads and members of the Massalit community in Sudan's West Darfur state result in the deaths of at least 168 people [1]
  • 2023-04-16 Sudan erupts into violence as street fighting and bombing raids strike Khartoum amid a power struggle between military generals al-Burhan and Hamdan, killing more than 83 people and injuring over 1,126 [1]
  • 2023-04-22 Foreign countries begin evacuating their citizens out of Khartoum, Sudan's capital, as fighting continues to escalate, with WHO and UN saying over 400 people killed and 200,000 fled the country [1]
  • 2023-04-29 72-hour ceasefire in Sudan breaks down between the Sudanese army and paramilitary Rapid Support Forces, as air and artillery strikes on Khartoum resume [1]
  • 2023-05-26 At least 828 civilians have now died and 3,688 have been injured over six weeks of fighting in Sudan, according to the Sudanese American Physicians Association [1]
  • 2023-07-08 Airstrike on Sudanese district of Omdurman by the Sudanese army kills at least 22 people including women and children [1]