Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

What Happened in 1580

Major Events

  • Apr 11 Drenthe joins Union of Utrecht
  • Jun 15 Phillip II of Spain declares William I of Orange an outlaw and places a bounty on his head of 25,000 crowns
  • Jun 17 Battle at Hardenberg: Spanish troops beat rebels
  • Jun 18 States of Utrecht forbid Catholic worship
  • Jun 25 Book of Concord, standards of Lutheran Church, 1st published
  • Jun 27 Duke of Alva's army occupies Portugal
  • Jul 12 Ostrog Bible, the first printed Bible in a Slavic language, is published
  • More 1580 Events

More People Born in 1580

Who Died in 1580

  • Jan 18 Antonio Scandello, Italian composer (Passion of St. John), dies at 63
  • Jan 31 Henry of Portugal, Portuguese Catholic clergyman (Archbishop of Lisbon, 1545-70) and ruler (King of Portugal, 1578-80), dies od his 68th birthday
  • Jan 31 Henry, King of Portugal, Cardinal, Epilepticus and Regent. Reigned 1578-80, dies at 68
  • Feb 2 Bessho Nagaharu, Japanese retainer (b. 1558)
  • Feb 15 Cunerus Petri, Dutch theologist/bishop of Leeuwarden, dies

More 1580 Deaths

World Leaders in 1580