Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

What Happened in 1612

Major Events

  • Mar 12 Bermuda officially becomes part of the Englisg Colony of Virginia
  • Apr 11 Last public burning at the stake in England - Edward Wrightman for heresy in Lichfield
  • Aug 18 Pendle Witch trial begins with 10 people accused of witchcraft in Lancaster, England, key witness 9 year-old boy
  • Aug 20 9 Pendle witches hanged at Gallows Hill in Lancaster, England
  • Aug 29 Battle of Surat, India: English fleet beats Portuguese
  • Oct 28 British King James I appoints musician Robert Dowland court lutenist
  • Nov 1 (22 October O.S.) Time of Troubles in Russia: Moscow, Kitai-gorod, is captured by Russian troops under command of Dmitry Pozharsky
  • Dec 15 German Astronomer Simon Marius is 1st to observe Andromeda galaxy through a telescope
  • Dec 28 First observation of Neptune - Galileo observes and records a "fixed star" without realising it is a planet

More People Born in 1612

Who Died in 1612

  • Jan 4 Henric Laurenszoon Spieghel, Dutch Renaissance writer and poet (Hertspiegel), dies at 62
  • Jan 20 Rudolf II von Habsburg, Emperor of Germany (1576-1612), dies at 59
  • Jan 27 Maarten van Valckenborch, Flemish painter, buried at about 77
  • Jan 28 Thomas Bodley, English diplomat and scholar (founder of the Bodleian Library), dies at 66
  • Feb 6 Christopher Clavius, German Jesuit calendar reformer, dies (birth date unknown)

More 1612 Deaths

Famous Weddings in 1612

Famous People in 1612

World Leaders in 1612