Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

What Happened in 1661

Major Events

  • Jan 30 Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England is ritually executed after having been dead for two years
  • Aug 6 The Treaty of The Hague is signed whereby the Dutch Republic sells New Holland (Brazil) for 63 tonnes of gold to Portugal
  • More 1661 Events

Did You Know?

1st banknotes in Europe are issued by Bank of Stockholm

July 16, 1661

Born in 1661

  • Jan 5 Jacob Balthasar Schutz, German composer, born in the Free Imperial City of Nuremberg, Holy Roman Empire (d. 1700)
  • Jan 30 Charles Rollin, French historian, born in Paris (d. 1741)
  • Mar 25 Paul de Rapin, French historian (d. 1725)
  • Apr 11 Antoine Coypel, French painter and poet, born in Paris (d. 1722)
  • Apr 16 Charles Montagu, 1st Earl of Halifax, English poet and statesman, born in Horton, Northamptonshire, England (d. 1715)

More People Born in 1661

Who Died in 1661

  • Jan 1 Pieter Claesz, Dutch still-life painter, dies at ~63
  • Jan 17 Andres Malong, Philippines rebel leader, executed
  • Jan 19 Thomas Venner, Fifth Monarchist (executed) (b. 1799)
  • Feb 2 Lucas Holstenius, German humanist (b. 1596)
  • Feb 5 Shunzhi Emperor of China (1644-1661) Third Qing Emperor, dies of smallpox at 22

More 1661 Deaths

Famous Weddings in 1661

  • Mar 16 Princess Henrietta of Orange-Nassau (16) weds Philippe of France, Duke of Orléans (20)
  • May 25 English King Charles II marries Portuguese princess Catherina of Braganca

Famous People in 1661

World Leaders in 1661