Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Historical Events in 1661

  • Jan 6 The Fifth Monarchists unsuccessfully attempt to seize control of London

Cromwell Ritually Executed

Jan 30 Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England is ritually executed after having been dead for two years

Louis XIV Personal Rule

Mar 10 King Louis XIV begins his personal rule of France, after the death of his chief minister, Cardinal Mazarin

Coronation of Charles II

Apr 23 English king Charles II crowned in London

  • Apr 29 Chinese Ming dynasty occupies Taiwan
  • Apr 30 Tsjeng Tsj'eng-Kung begins siege of Dutch fort Zeelandia, Formosa
  • May 3 Johannes Hevelius observes 3rd transit of Mercury ever to be seen

Isaac Newton Admitted to Cambridge

Jun 5 Isaac Newton admitted as a student to Trinity College, Cambridge

  • Jun 21 Treaty of Kardis: Russia & Sweden sign peace treaty
  • Jun 23 Marriage contract for King Charles II of England and Portuguese princess Catherine of Braganza agreed, giving Tangier and Bombay to England
  • Jul 27 English Parliament confirms Navigation Act
  • Aug 6 The Treaty of The Hague is signed whereby the Dutch Republic sells New Holland (Brazil) for 63 tonnes of gold to Portugal

The Party that Led to Fall of Fouquet

Aug 17 French Superintendent of Finances Nicolas Fouquet throws one of the grandest and opulent parties ever seen in France, appalling King Louis XIV and leading to Fouquet's arrest for embezzlement weeks later

  • Sep 5 Nicolas Fouquet, French Superintendent of Finances under Louis XIV is arrested for maladministration of state funds; he dies in 1680, never seeing freedom again.
  • Oct 1 Yachting begins in England as King Charles II beats his brother James, Duke of York in a yacht race from Greenwich to Gravesend

Robert Hooke

Nov 12 Robert Hooke appointed Curator of Experiments to the Royal Society, England

  • Dec 20 Corporation Act enforced in England
  • Dec 30 Sweden's original Drottningholm Palace burns down, rebuilt from 1662 in its modern form to design by Nikodemus Tessin