Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

What Happened in 1665

Major Events

  • Feb 27 Battle at Elmina, Gold Coast: Dutch Vice-admiral De Ruyter captures Fort Cormantin from the English
  • Mar 4 English King Charles II declares war on Netherlands
  • Mar 6 Philosophical Transactions of Royal Society starts publishing
  • Mar 11 NY approves new code guaranteeing Protestants religious rights
  • Apr 30 Naval battle in Bay of Barbados between attacking Dutch fleet led by Michiel de Ruyter damages ships but fails to take the English-held fort [1]
  • May 5 Dutch politician Nicolaas Witsen visits the politically powerful Patriarch Nikon, head of the Russian Orthodox church in Moscow
  • May 15 Pope Alexander VII appoints committee to investigate Jansenism
  • May 31 Jerusalem's rabbi Sjabtai Tswi proclaims himself Messiah
  • Jun 3 Duke of York and the British fleet defeat the Dutch off the coast of Lowestoft, 1st fleet action of the Second Dutch War [1]
  • Jun 6 Battle at Monte Carlo: English and Portuguese armies beat Spain
  • More 1665 Events

Did You Know?

New Amsterdam legally becomes an English colony and renamed New York after English Duke of York

June 12, 1665

Famous People in 1665

World Leaders in 1665