Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

What Happened in March 1774

Historical Events

Orion Nebula

Mar 4 First sighting of Orion nebula by William Herschel

Hancock's Massacre Day Oration

Mar 5 John Hancock delivers the fourth annual Massacre Day oration, a commemoration of the Boston Massacre, and denounces the presence of British troops in Boston, enhancing Hancock's stature as a leading Patriot

Punishment for Boston Tea Party

Mar 7 King George III charges colonists in Boston with attempting to injure British commerce, paving the way for the closing of the port to punish colonists for the Boston Tea Party

  • Mar 20 The British parliament passes first of the Intolerable Acts: the Boston Port Act, which closed Boston harbor until colonists would pay for damages following the Boston Tea Party
  • Mar 28 Britain passes Coercive Act against Massachusetts

Famous Birthdays

  • Mar 5 Christoph Ernst Friedrich Weyse, Danish organist and composer (Ludlam’s Hule), born in Altona, Duchy of Holstein, Holy Roman Empire (d. 1842)

Matthew Flinders (1774-1814)

Mar 16 English explorer, navigator and cartographer who was 1st to circumnavigate Australia, born in Donington, England [1]

  • Mar 20 John Braham, English tenor singer and composer, born in London (d. 1856)