Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

What Happened in February 1868

Historical Events

  • Feb 10 Conservatives & military seize Convention Hall in Florida
  • Feb 16 Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks forms (NY)
  • Feb 24 1st US parade with floats (Mardi Gras-Mobile, Alabama)

Event of Interest

Feb 24 US House of Representatives vote 126 to 47 to impeach President Andrew Johnson

1st Disraeli Government

Feb 29 1st British government of Benjamin Disraeli forms

Famous Birthdays

  • Feb 3 Dámaso Ledesma, Spanish organist, composer, musicologist, and priest, born in Ciudad Rodrigo, Spain (d. 1928)
  • Feb 4 Constance Markievicz, Irish politician, revolutionary and suffragist (1 woman elected to UK House of Commons, 1st female cabinet minister in Europe), born in London, England (d. 1927) [1]
  • Feb 5 Lodewijk Mortelmans, Belgian composer (Morgenstemming - Morning Mood), born in Antwerp, Belgium (d. 1952)
  • Feb 6 Syd Callaway, Australian cricket all-rounder (3 Tests, 6 wickets, BB 5/37, HS 41; NSW CA, Canterbury [NZ]), born in Sydney, Australia (d. 1923)
  • Feb 10 William Allen White, American journalist (Emporia Gazette, Pulitzer 1942), born in Emporia, Kansas (d. 1944)
  • Feb 14 Henricus Andreas Poels, Dutch Roman Catholic theologist and social foreman, born in Venray, Netherlands (d. 1948)
  • Feb 16 Wilhelm Schmidt, German anthropologist and linguist (Anthropos), born in Hörde, Germany (d. 1954)
  • Feb 22 Henri Polak, Dutch labor leader (General Diamond Workers' Union), journalist, and Social-Democrat politician (Member of Parliament), born in Amsterdam, Netherlands (d. 1943)

W.E.B. Du Bois (1868-1963)

Feb 23 American civil rights activist, writer (Souls of Black Folk) and co-founder of the NAACP, born in Great Barrington, Massachusetts

  • Feb 25 Anthony John Blok, Dutch lawyer (strafproces), born in Hees, Netherlands (d. 1934)
  • Feb 26 Leonard Borwick, English concert pianist, born in Walthamstow, England (d. 1925)

Famous Deaths

  • Feb 10 David Brewster, Scottish physicist and inventor (kaleidoscope), dies at 86
  • Feb 11 Leon Foucault, French physicist whose pendulum proved that the Earth rotates, dies at 48
  • Feb 23 Andrew Strath, Scottish golfer (British Open 1865), dies at 30
  • Feb 29 Ludwig I, King of Bavaria (1825-48), dies at 81