Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

What Happened in 1868

Major Events

1868 in Sport

  • May 31 Dr James Moore (UK) wins 1st recorded bicycle race, (2k) velocipede race at Parc fde St Cloud, Paris

Did You Know?

Louis Ducos du Hauron patents a process of making color photographs, in Paris, France

November 23, 1868

More People Born in 1868

Fun Fact About 1868

The first traffic lights are installed outside the Palace of Westminster in London. Resembling railway signals, they use semaphore arms and are illuminated at night by red and green gas lamps.

December 9, 1868

More 1868 Deaths

Famous Weddings in 1868

  • Apr 7 American religious leader Brigham Young weds his 53rd wife, American actress and future polygamy critic Anna Webb (24), in Salt Lake City, Utah
  • Aug 13 Prime Minister of Canada Wilfrid Laurier (26) weds Zoé Lafontaine (27) in Montreal, Canada