Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Historical Events in 1536

  • Jan 17 Francois Rabelais absolved of apostasy by Pope Paul III
  • Feb 2 Pedro de Mendoza founds Argentine city of Buenos Aires
  • Feb 18 Francis I, King of France and Suleiman I of the Ottoman Empire sign military and trade agreement against King Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor

Dissolution of the Monasteries

Apr 14 English King Henry VIII expropriates minor monasteries

Downfall of Anne Boleyn

Apr 21 King Henry VIII's chief minister Thomas Cromwell begins to plot Anne Boleyn's downfall while feigning illness

Anne Boleyn Arrested

May 2 Anne Boleyn, second wife of Henry VIII, is arrested and taken to the Tower of London

Trial of Anne Boleyn

May 15 Anne Boleyn and her brother George, Lord Rochford, accused of adultery and incest

  • May 17 Anne Boleyn's 4 "lovers" executed shortly before her own beheading
  • May 19 Anne Boleyn, second wife of English King Henry VIII, is beheaded at the Tower of London on charges of adultery, incest and treason
  • May 23 Pope Paul III installs Portuguese inquisition
  • Jun 6 Mexico begins its inquisition

Historic Expedition

Jul 9 French navigator Jacques Cartier returns to Saint-Malo, France from his exploration of what is now Canada

  • Jul 11 The Convocation of the clergy subscribe to the Ten Articles, beliefs of the English Church under Henry VIII
  • Jul 18 Pope's authority declared void in England
  • Jul 25 Sebastián de Belalcázar on his search of El Dorado founds the City of Santiago de Cali
  • Aug 13 Buddhist monks from Kyōto's Enryaku Temple set fire to 21 Nichiren temples throughout Kyoto in the Tenbun Hokke Disturbance. (Traditional Japanese date: July 27, 1536).
  • Sep 8 Charles V abandons his siege of Peronne in northern France
  • Oct 13 Pilgrimage of Grace begins in Northern England, a protest against King Henry VIII's break with the Pope and the dissolution of the monasteries

Christian III's Reformation

Oct 20 King Christian III of Denmark & Norway leads reform in Catholic possessions

  • Dec 22 English scholar Reginald Pole appointed cardinal