Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Historical Events in 1559

Elizabeth I Crowned

Jan 15 Elizabeth I crowned Queen of England in Westminster Abbey

Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio

Feb 16 Pope Paul IV calls for deposition of sovereigns supporting heresy

  • Mar 14 Storm floods ravage Gorinchem, Dordrecht & Woudrichem, Netherlands
  • Apr 2 England & France sign 1st Treaty of Le Cateau-Cambrésis
  • Apr 3 Spain & France sign 2nd Treaty of Le Cateau-Cambrésis
  • May 10 Scottish Protestants under John Knox uprise against queen mother Mary
  • May 13 Exhumed corpse of heretic David Jorisz burned in Basel
  • Jun 22 Jewish quarter of Prague burned and looted

Henry II Injured Jousting

Jun 30 King Henry II of France is seriously injured in a jousting match against Gabriel de Montgomery

William I Appointed Stadtholder

Aug 9 William I of Orange appointed Stadtholder of Holland, Zealand and Utrecht by King Philip II of Spain

  • Aug 14 Spanish explorer de Luna lands in Pensacola Bay, Fla
  • Aug 22 Spanish archbishop Bartholome de Carranza arrested as heretic
  • Sep 19 Five Spanish ships sink in storm off Tampa, about 600 die