Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Historical Events in 1605

"Don Quixote" Published

Jan 16 The first edition of "El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha" (Book One of Don Quixote) by Miguel de Cervantes is published in Madrid

  • Feb 25 Portuguese garrison on Ambon surrenders to Admiral Van der Haghen
  • May 16 Camillo Borghese elected to succeed Pope Leo XI, becomes Pope Paul V
  • Jun 10 False Dimitri I, an impostor, crowned Russian tsar (rules 1605-1606)
  • Aug 8 The city of Oulu, Finland, is founded by Charles IX of Sweden.

Eastward Hoe

Aug 13 Controversial play "Eastward Hoe" by Ben Jonson, George Chapman, and John Marston premieres at the Blackfriars Theatre, London, landing two of the authors in prison for offending the King James I [date approximate]

  • Aug 18 Spanish army under of general Spinola conquers Lingen
  • Sep 27 The armies of Sweden are utterly defeated by the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the Battle of Kircholm
  • Oct 3 Chinese uprising on Philippines, Tondo/Quiapo massacre
  • Oct 27 Spanish army under General Spinola occupies Wachtendonk

400 Years of Celebration After Plotters Fail to Kill a King

Nov 5 Gunpowder Plot: Catholic conspirator Guy Fawkes attempts to blow up King James I and the British Parliament. Plot discovered, Guy Fawkes caught, tortured and later executed along with seven others. Celebrated ever since as Guy Fawkes Day, where his effigy is traditionally burned on a bonfire, accompanied by fireworks.

  • Dec 21 Spanish Queirós Expedition departs Callao, Peru, led by Pedro Fernandes de Queirós in attempt to find Terra Australis (finds instead Espíritu Santo and other Vanuatu islands) [1]