Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Historical Events in 1616

  • Jan 12 Brazilian city Belem (the entrance gate to the Amazon) founded by Captain Major Francisco Branco
  • Jan 24 Dutch mariners Jacob Le Maire and Willem Schouten are the first Europeans to discover Le Maire Strait, Tierra del Fuego - go on to round Cape Horn
  • Jan 31 Rounding of Cape Horn for the first time by Dutch expedition of Jacques Le Maire and Willem Corneliszoon Schouten (they name Cape Hoorn after Schouten’s hometown) [1]

Roman Inquisition

Feb 26 The Roman Inquisition delivers injunction to Galileo demanding he abandon his belief in heliocentrism, which states the Earth and planets revolve around the Sun

De Revolutionibus

Mar 5 Astronomical work 'de Revolutionibus' by Nicolaus Copernicus placed on Catholic Forbidden index

Walter Raleigh Released

Mar 20 Walter Raleigh released from Tower of London to seek gold in Guyana

  • Apr 23 Netherlands buys De Briel/Vlissingen/Fort Rammekens from England
  • Apr 30 King James I of England leaves Brielle
  • May 3 Treaty of Loudun ends French civil war

Return of Samuel de Champlain

Jul 11 Samuel de Champlain returns to Quebec

  • Sep 15 First non-aristocratic, free public school in Europe is opened in Frascati, Italy

Dirk Hartog Makes Landfall in Australia

Oct 25 Dutch East India Company ship "The Eendracht" makes landfall on Dirk-Hartog Island, the second European ship to visit the continent of Australia

  • Nov 20 Bishop Richelieu becomes French minister of Foreign affairs and War