Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Historical Events in 1684

  • Mar 5 Emperor Leopold I, Poland & Venice sign Heilig Covenant of Linz
  • Apr 17 Dutch East India Company signs treaty with Sultan Hadji of Banten (Java) to aid him in a civil war with his father in exchange for sole right to trade in the Sultanate [1]
  • Apr 25 Patent granted for thimble
  • Jul 24 Expedition to establish French colony in Louisiana leaves La Rochelle with four ships led by René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle (expedition is disastrous with only 15 survivors) [1]
  • Aug 15 Spain, Germany and France sign Truce of Ratisbone, ending the War of Reunions - meant to last 20 years, lasts only four
  • Oct 10 Advisement to view a rhinoceros in a tavern in Ludgate Hill, London published - 1st rhinoceros in Europe since 1515 [1]

Massachusetts Bay Charter Revoked

Oct 23 English King Charles II revokes the Massachusetts Bay Colony charter due to repeated violations of the charter’s terms including trading with other countries and running an illegal mint

Newton's De Motu Corporum in Gyrum

Dec 10 Isaac Newton's derivation of Kepler's laws from his theory of gravity, contained in the paper “De motu corporum in gyrum” (On the motion of bodies in an orbit), is read to the Royal Society by Edmond Halley.