Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Historical Events in 1700

Gregory Conquers Julius Caesar

Jan 1 Protestant Western Europe (except England) begins using the Gregorian calendar

  • Jan 1 Russia begins using the Anno Domini era and no longer uses the Anno Mundi era of the Byzantine Empire
  • Jan 26 The magnitude 8.7-9.2 Cascadia earthquake took place off the west coast of the North America, as evidenced by Japanese records
  • Feb 12 The Great Northern War begins in Northern Europe between Denmark–Norway, Saxony and Russia and the Swedish Empire.
  • Feb 19 Last day of Julian calendar in Denmark

New Britain

Feb 27 English explorer William Dampier is the first British person to visit the Pacific Island of New Britain, which he names

  • Feb 28 Today is followed by March 1 in Sweden, thus creating the Swedish calendar

Penn Begins Emancipation Meetings

May 7 William Penn begins monthly meetings for blacks advocating emancipation

  • May 29 First mastectomy performed in North America at Hôtel-Dieu de Québec by royal doctor Michel Sarrazin on Sister Marie Barbier de l’Assomption (operation is successful) [1]
  • Jun 17 Massachusetts orders priest to leave the colony
  • Jun 30 Gelderland goes on Gregorian calendar (tomorrow is 12/7/1700)
  • Jul 12 Gelderland accepts Gregorian calendar; yesterday is June 30, 1700
  • Jul 13 Treaty of Constantinople establishes peace after Russo-Turkish war
  • Aug 8 Denmark & Sweden sign peace treaty
  • Aug 18 Swedish, English & Dutch army lands on Seeland, Denmark
  • Oct 2 Spanish king Carlos II appoints Philip van Anjou as heir to the throne
  • Oct 14 Rabbi Judah Hasid & Chayim Molocho arrive in Jerusalem
  • Nov 16 Monarch of Brandenburg becomes king of Prussia
  • Nov 23 Cardinal Francesco Albani elected Pope Clemens XI

Battle at Narva

Nov 30 Battle at Narva: Swedish forces of King Charles XII defeat Russian army [NS]

  • Nov 30 Utrecht, Overijssel, Buren, Leerdam and IJsselstein go on Gregoria calendar
  • Dec 12 Utrecht, Overijssel, Buren, Leerdam and Ijsselstein adopt Gregorian calendar
  • Dec 31 Frisia and Groningen adopt Gregorian calendar, tomorrow is 1/12/1701