Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Historical Events in 1764

  • Jan 24 Governor Winthrop's Telescope is destroyed in a Harvard fire
  • Feb 15 St. Louis, Missouri founded as a French trading post by Pierre Laclède

Essay on Women

Feb 21 English House of Commons tries John Wilkes in absentia and finds him guilty of publishing a seditious libel for his "Essay on Women," an obscene parody of Alexander Pope’s "Essay on Man"

  • Mar 22 Dutch expeditionary corps launch attack on slave armies and settlements during Bernice rebellion (modern Guyana) - first major slave rebellion in South America [1]
  • Apr 3 Austrian Archduke Jozef crowned himself Holy Roman Emperor Josef II

Sugar Tax Passed

Apr 5 British Parliament passes the Sugar Tax on the American colonies, introduced by Prime Minister George Grenville

  • May 5 Smolny Institute forms in St Petersburg for noble girls

Event of Interest

May 24 Samuel Adams writes instructions for Boston Town Meeting opposing the Sugar Act, laying groundwork for colonial resistance to taxation without representation

  • Jul 23 James Otis publishes views on taxation without representation

Edward Gibbon's Inspiration

Oct 15 Edward Gibbon observes a group of friars singing in the ruined Temple of Jupiter in Rome, which inspires him to begin work on The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

  • Nov 9 Mary Campbell, a captive of the Lenape during the French and Indian War, is turned over to forces commanded by Colonel Henry Bouquet.
  • Nov 16 Native Americans surrender to British in Indian War of Chief Pontiac
  • Nov 26 France bans Jesuit enorde