Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Historical Events in 1770

  • Jan 1 Date of action in the opera "Madeleine"
  • Jan 13 Pierre de Beaumarchais' "Les Deux Amis" premieres in Paris
  • Jan 19 Battle of Golden Hill (Lower Manhattan)

Frederick North Prime Minister

Jan 28 Frederick North becomes Prime Minister of Great Britain after Augustus FitzRoy resigns

The Boston Massacre

Mar 5 Boston Massacre (Incident on King Street): British soldiers kill 5 men in a crowd throwing snowballs, stones and sticks at them. African American Crispus Attucks 1st to die; later held up as early black martyr. Massacre galvanizes anti-British feelings.

Music History

Mar 15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (14) completes his String Quartet No. 1 (K. 80), in its original three-movement form on 15 March 1770 while touring in Lodi, Lombardy, Duchy of Milan

Kant Appointed Professor

Mar 31 Immanuel Kant is appointed Professor of Logic and Metaphysics at the University of Königsberg

  • Apr 12 British parliament repeals the Townshend Revenue Acts, which had fueled opposition to British rule in colonial America
  • Apr 19 Amsterdam buys Van Aerssens family 1/3 part of Suriname

Cook Sights Australia

Apr 19 British explorer Captain James Cook first sights Australia. Writes in his log book that “what we have as yet seen of this land appears rather low, and not very hilly, the face of the Country green and Woody, but the Sea shore is all a white Sand.”

  • Apr 28 British Captain James Cook, aboard HMS Endeavour, first lands in Australia at Botany Bay
  • May 26 The Orlov Revolt, a first attempt to revolt against the Turks before the Greek War of Independence ends in disaster for the Greeks.
  • Jun 3 Mission San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo founded in California
  • Jun 10 British explorer Captain James Cook is the first European to discover the Great Barrier Reef off Australia - by running aground on its coral causing the ship to leak (ship later beached and repaired)
  • Jun 12 Patent for 'Spinning Jenny' first multiple spinning machine, that would revolutionise cotton spinning, granted to English weaver James Hargreaves [1]
  • Jun 19 Swedish theologian and philosopher Emanuel Swedenborg reports the completion of the Second Coming of Christ in his work True Christian Religion
  • Jun 28 Quakers open a school for blacks in Philadelphia
  • Jul 5 First day of three day naval Battle of Chesma between the Russian and Ottoman Empires off the coast of Anatolia won by the Russians
  • Aug 1 Battle of Kagul: smaller Russian army defeats larger Ottoman and Cossack force in Moldavia, the major land battle of the Russo-Turkish War and one of the largest battles of the 18th century
  • Aug 22 British explorer James Cook's claims the east coast of Australia for the British crown and names it New South Wales [1]