Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Historical Events in January 1901

  • Jan 1 The Commonwealth of Australia is formed when the British (Imperial) Parliament Act, the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900, comes into effect
  • Jan 10 Oil discovered at Spindletop, Beaumont, marking the start of the Texas oil boom (gusher age)

"Graves De Communi Re"

Jan 18 Pope Leo XIII publishes encyclical Graves De Communi Re

"The Climbers"

Jan 21 Clyde Fitch's play "The Climbers" premieres in NYC

Britain Changes its Postage

Jan 22 After 63 years Britain stops sale of Queen Victoria postage stamps series & begins King Edward VII series

  • Jan 24 Denmark and the US sign a treaty under which Denmark will sell the Danish West Indies to the USA for $5 million, but the sale will be postponed until 1917
  • Jan 24 Emily Hobhouse views the British administrated concentration camp at Bloemfontein for women and children

"Three Sisters"

Jan 31 Anton Chekhov's play "Three Sisters" opens at Moscow Art Theater

  • Jan 31 Austro-Hungarian Empire: The Reichsrath, dissolved on September 7, 1900, by Emperor Franz Joseph, reopens after the recent elections sees the defeat of extremists
  • Jan 31 Stanley Cup, Montreal Arena, Westmount, Quebec: Winnipeg Victorias edge Montreal Shamrocks, 2-1 to sweep challenge series, 2-0