Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Historical Events in 1900

Events 1 - 200 of 266

The 42nd Parallel

Jan 1 1st date in John dos Passos' USA trilogy (The 42nd Parallel)

  • Jan 1 British protectorates of Northern and Southern Nigeria are established
  • Jan 1 Compulsory education in Netherlands goes into effect
  • Jan 2 E Verlinger begins manufacturing 7" single-sided records (Montreal)
  • Jan 2 US Secretary of State John Hay announces the Open Door Policy to promote trade with China

Schluck und Jau

Jan 3 Gerhart Hauptmann's play "Schluck und Jau," premieres in Berlin

  • Jan 5 Irish leader John Edward Redmond calls for a revolt against British rule
  • Jan 6 Boers attack at Ladysmith, about 1,000 killed or injured

Second Boer War

Jan 10 British generals Frederick Roberts and Herbert Kitchener reach Cape Town during the Second Boer War

  • Jan 12 Utopian Freeland Colony founded on Whidbey Island, in Washington State, US


Jan 14 Giacomo Puccini's opera "Tosca" premieres in Rome

  • Jan 16 The United States Senate accepts the Anglo-German treaty of 1899 in which the United Kingdom renounces its claims to the Samoan islands
  • Jan 16 The US gains control over Tutuila in Samoa and several smaller Pacific islands
  • Jan 18 Jan Blockx's "Tÿl Uilenspiegel" premieres in Brussels
  • Jan 21 The second contingent of Canadian troops sails from Halifax to fight in South Africa against the Boers
  • Jan 24 Battle of Spion Kop: South African Boers defeat the British army after it attempts to cross the Tugela River and relieve the besieged city Ladysmith
  • Jan 24 Newcastle Badminton Club, world's oldest, forms in England

When We Dead Awaken

Jan 26 Henrik Ibsen's play "Naar vi Dode Vaaguer" (When We Dead Awaken) premieres in Stuttgart

  • Jan 27 Foreign diplomats in Peking, China, write formal notes of protest demanding that the Chinese Government stop the Boxes and other groups leading attacks on Westerners and Christians.
  • Jan 27 Social Democrat Party of America (Debs' party) holds 1st convention
  • Jan 29 American League organized in Buffalo, Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, Indianapolis, Kansas City, Milwaukee and Minneapolis
  • Jan 31 Final report of the USA's Philippine Commission is released, favoring territorial government for the islands with home rule in local affairs, but with US assumptions of ultimate responsibility for the government.
  • Feb 2 Gustave Charpentiers opera "Louise" premieres at the Salle Favart, in Paris France; performed by the Opéra-Comique conducted by André Messageri
  • Feb 3 Gubernatorial candidate William Goebel is assassinated in Frankfort, Kentucky
  • Feb 3 Rival forces fight for control of the Union Park ball grounds in Baltimore
  • Feb 5 British troops under Gen Buller occupy Vaal Krantz, Natal
  • Feb 5 The United States and the United Kingdom sign treaty for Panama Canal
  • Feb 6 The Battle of Vaal Krantz, South Africa (Boers vs British army)
  • Feb 7 British troops vacate Vaal Krantz, Natal
  • Feb 10 Peter Ostlund skates world record 500m (45.2 sec)
  • Feb 14 Date of events in Australian movie "Picnic at Hanging Rock"
  • Feb 14 Russia responds to international pressure to free Finland by tightening imperial control over the country

Siege of Kimberley

Feb 15 Boer War: Siege of Kimberley broken by British troops under Lieutenant-General John French after a 124 day siege. Kimberley defense led by Cecil Rhodes.

  • Feb 16 1st Chinese daily newspaper in US publishes, Chung Sai Yat Po in San Francisco
  • Feb 16 Stanley Cup, Montreal Arena, Westmount, Quebec: Montreal Shamrocks beat Winnipeg Victorias, 5-4 to take challenge series, 3-1
  • Feb 18 Battle at Paardeberg, 1,270 British killed/injured
  • Feb 18 British troops occupy Monte Christo, Natal
  • Feb 19 British troops occupy Hlangwane, Natal
  • Feb 22 Battle at Wynne's Hill, South Africa (Boers vs British army)
  • Feb 23 Battle at Hart's Hill, South Africa (Boers vs British army)
  • Feb 23 Steamer "Rio de Janeiro" sinks in San Francisco Bay
  • Feb 27 Battle of Paardeberg: Boer General Piet Cronjé surrenders to the British after a prolonged siege
  • Feb 27 The Trades Union Congress and the Independent Labour Party (formed in 1893) meet in London, resulting in a Labour Representative Committee and eventually the modern UK Labour Party in 1906
  • Feb 28 General Buller's troops relieve Ladysmith in Natal
  • Mar 6 After a meeting in Indianapolis, USA, a group forms the Social Democratic Party and nominates Eugene Debs as its candidate for President in the forthcoming election (becomes the Socialist Party in 1901)
  • Mar 7 Battle at Poplar Grove South Africa, President Kruger flees
  • Mar 8 NL decides to go with 8 teams They exclude Baltimore, Cleveland, Louisville & Washington (in 1953 Boston Braves move to Milwaukee)
  • Mar 10 Battle of Driefontein, South Africa, British offensive against the Boers, who are forced to withdraw
  • Mar 10 Regents for the King of Uganda and leading chiefs sign a treaty with Great Britain agreeing to the organization of the government, taxation, courts, military, and other functions of their country, which is under British protection.
  • Mar 10 Stanley Cup, Montreal Arena, Westmount, Quebec: Montreal Shamrocks outclass Halifax Crescents, 11-0 to sweep challenge series, 2-0

British Reject Boer Peace Terms

Mar 11 British Prime Minister Lord Salisbury rejects peace overtures from the Boer leader Paul Kruger (on 5 March) as demanding too-favourable terms

  • Mar 12 President Steyn of Orange Free state flees from Bloemfontein
  • Mar 13 British troops occupy Bloemfontein, capital of the Orange Free State (Boer War)
  • Mar 13 In France the length of the working day for women and children is limited by law to 11 hours.

Mendel's Laws Rediscovered

Mar 14 Dutch botanist Hugo de Vries rediscovers Gregor Mendel's laws of heredity and genetics

  • Mar 14 US currency goes on the gold standard after Congress passes the Currency Act

American League Reorganized

Mar 16 AL meets in Chicago, Ban Johnson announces AL league will be Chicago White Stockings, Washington Senators, Milwaukee Brewers, Detroit Tigers, Cleveland Blues, Boston Americans, Philadelphia Athletics and Baltimore Orioles

  • Mar 16 Sir Arthur Evans rediscovers the bronze age city of Knossos in Crete, home of the legendary Minotaur

Isadora Duncan

Mar 17 American modern dancer Isadora Duncan gives her first Europen performance in London, England [1]

  • Mar 17 In South Africa, British troops relieve Mafeking, besieged by the Boers since 13 October, 1899
  • Mar 18 Ajax soccer club forms in Amsterdam, The Netherlands (33 Eredivisie titles, 18 KNVB Cups, 4 Champions League); named after legendary Greek hero
  • Mar 18 Japan uses its influence over Korea to deny Russia's efforts to obtain a naval station at Korean Port of Masampo, the lead up to the Russo-Japanese war
  • Mar 20 US Secretary of State John Hay announces that all nations to whom he sent notes calling for an 'open door' policy in China have essentially accepted his stand
  • Mar 24 New York City Mayor Robert Anderson Van Wyck breaks ground for a new underground "Rapid Transit Railroad" that would link Manhattan and Brooklyn.
  • Mar 25 US Socialist Party forms in Indianapolis
  • Mar 26 1st edition The (Free) People (Netherlands, probably Amsterdam)
  • Mar 27 Recognising that the war in South Africa is going to take a major commitment, Parliament passes the War Loan Act, calling for £35 million to support the fight against the Boers.
  • Mar 30 Dutch 2nd Chamber accepts Compulsory education law
  • Mar 31 At " Surprise of Sanna’s Post" in the Second Boer War 150 troops under Brigadier General Robert Broadwood are killed
  • Apr 1 1st edition of Dutch newspaper "The People"
  • Apr 2 1st edition of The Volk published (Amsterdam)

Assassination Attempt on Edward VII

Apr 4 Assassination attempt on Prince of Wales, later British King Edward VII when shot by Jean-Baptiste Sipido in protest over Boer war

  • Apr 4 British garrison of Reddersberg surrenders to Boer General De Wet
  • Apr 5 Attempted assassination of Edward Prince of Wales in Brussels, fails

Jeffries vs Finnegan

Apr 6 James J. Jeffries KOs Jack Finnegan in 1 for heavyweight boxing title

USS Holland

Apr 11 The first modern submarine designed and built by John Philip Holland, USS Holland is acquired by the U.S. Navy

  • Apr 12 The US Congress passes the Foraker Act, establishing Puerto Rico as an unincorporated territory (effective 1 May)
  • Apr 14 Veteran's Hospital at Ft Miley forms
  • Apr 15 An early 50 mile race is won by an electric car in over 2 hrs
  • Apr 15 Exposition Universelle (World's Fair) in Paris opens (till 12th Nov)
  • Apr 16 US Post Office issues its first stamp booklets, containing 12, 24, or 48 two-cent stamps [1]
  • Apr 17 High chiefs of American Samoa sign the Instrument of Cession of Tutuila and swear allegiance to the United States [1]
  • Apr 19 Highest scoring opening game, Phils beat Braves 19-17 in 10
  • Apr 23 1st know occurrence of word "hillbillie" (NY Journal)
  • Apr 26 Newly renamed American League opener in Cleveland draws 6,500 (still as a minor league, was Western League)
  • Apr 30 Casey Jones dies heroically in a train wreck at Vaughn, Mississippi, while driving Cannonball Express (immortalized in "Ballad of Casey Jones")
  • Apr 30 The "Hawaiian Organic Act" is enacted by US Congress making Hawaii a US territory

Fitzsimmons KOs Dunkhost

Apr 30 Weighing in at 170 lbs British former world heavyweight boxing champion Bob Fitzsimmons KOs 270 lb American Ed Dunkhost in round 2 of a lop-sided bout in Brooklyn, New York

  • May 1 Premature blast collapses mine tunnel killing 200 at Scofield, Utah

You Never Can Tell

May 2 George Bernard Shaw's play "You Never Can Tell" premieres in London

  • May 5 "The Billboard" began weekly publication
  • May 11 James J. Jeffries KOs James J Corbett in 23 for heavyweight boxing title
  • May 12 Boer attack under Sarel Eloff, about 70 killed
  • May 12 Lord Roberts' British forces occupy Crown city during Boer War
  • May 17 "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" is first published by L. Frank Baum with illustrations by William Wallace Denslow in Chicago
  • May 17 British troops relieve Mafeking (Cape Colony)
  • May 17 In China, three villages within 100 miles of Peking are burned by Boxers and 60 Chinese Christians killed
  • May 18 Great Britain proclaims protectorate over Kingdom of Tonga
  • May 20 Second modern Summer Olympics (Games of the II Olympiad) opens in Paris and continues for 5 months
  • May 22 American inventor Edwin S Votey receives patent for pneumatic piano player
  • May 22 Associated Press organizes in NYC as nonprofit news cooperative
  • May 23 William Harvey Carney becomes the first African-American soldier awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions in the Civil War at the Battle of Fort Wagner
  • May 25 Retired London fire master Eyre Massey Shaw aged 70 reputedly becomes oldest gold medalist in Olympics for sailing (disputed)
  • May 26 British troops under Ian Hamilton attack the Vaal in South Africa
  • May 27 Lord Roberts' army fights the Vaal in South Africa
  • May 28 Fire in Cincinnati nearly destroys Reds' grandstand
  • May 28 In China, rioters provoked by Boxers burn the Fengtai Railway Station, where many Belgians work

Kruger Flees British

May 28 Paul Kruger, President of the Boer Republic of South Africa, flees its capital, Pretoria, goes to Watervalboven to evade the advancing British

  • May 28 Total solar eclipse occurs
  • May 29 Trademark "Escalator" registered by Otis Elevator Co.
  • May 31 British troops under Lord Roberts occupy Johannesburg
  • May 31 Piet de Law captures Lt Col BE Spragges, 13th Battalion Irish Imperial Yeomanry
  • May 31 Tom Hayward scores 1,000th cricket run of season (sets record 1074)
  • May 31 US troops arrive in Beijing, help put down Boxer Rebellion
  • Jun 1 British army occupies Pretoria, South Africa
  • Jun 5 Pretoria, capital of the Boer Republic of South Africa, falls to the British led by General Buller
  • Jun 6 Boxers cut off all railroad links between Peking and Tientsin, main port city of Peking
  • Jun 6 US Congress pass an act authorizing a civil code and government for the territory of Alaska after gold discoveries bring lawlessness and disorder to the area
  • Jun 7 Boer General Christian de Law occupies British rail depot at Roodewal
  • Jun 9 In China, Boxers destroy the race course in Peking, a few miles from the legations and the center and symbol of diplomatic social life and Western privilege
  • Jun 10 In China, a relief column of some 2000 men set out from Tientsin to relieve foreigners trapped in Peking
  • Jun 11 -12] Battle at Diamond Hill: British troops chase General Botha

Boxer Rebellion

Jun 11 David Beatty and 150 men from HMS Barfleur land as part of a force of 2,400 defending Tientsin from 15,000 Chinese troops plus Boxers

  • Jun 12 In Germany, the Reichstag pass the second Navy Bill, which calls for doubling the German Navy within 20 years
  • Jun 13 In China, Baron von Kettler, the German minister to China, beats two young Boxers with his walking stick; when word of this circulates, rioting and arson spread throughout Peking during the night
  • Jun 14 Having been annexed to the USA on 12 August 1898, Hawaii is constituted as an organized territory
  • Jun 14 The Reichstag approves a second law that allows the expansion of the German navy
  • Jun 16 In China, a fire is set by Boxers, virtually destroying the Western Quarter and spreading to engulf many Chinese landmarks
  • Jun 18 Empress Dowager Cixi orders I-Ho-Chuan (Boxers) to kill all foreigners
  • Jun 18 General Luigi Pelloux resigns as premier of Italy

William McKinley Nominated

Jun 19 Republican Party nominates President William McKinley for re-election, but chooses a new candidate for Vice-President, Theodore Roosevelt

  • Jun 20 Baron Von Ketteler, German Minister, decides to go to the Chinese authorities to demand more guards for European protection from Boxers and is killed by Boxers en route
  • Jun 20 In China, most foreigners in the Peking legations now accept that they are under siege by Boxers
  • Jun 21 Dodgers score 7 in top of 11th to go ahead of Phillies, 20-13, In bottom of 11th Phillies stalls so umpire forfeits game to Dodgers
  • Jun 21 In the Philippines, General Arthur McArthur, US military governor of the Philippines, issues an amnesty proclamation to those Filipinos who will renounce the insurgent movement and accept US sovereignty
  • Jun 22 In China, practically the whole foreign community in Peking, including many Chinese Christians, retreat to British compounds
  • Jun 23 British Governor Frederick Hodgson and some of his British supporters flee Fort Coomassie, Gold Coast, Africa, where they have been under siege since 6 April
  • Jun 23 The Young Turks present a manifesto to the major foreign embassies in Constantinople demanding that these foreign powers end the Ottoman Sultan's rule
  • Jun 24 Dutch Social-Democratic Workers' party & Socialistenbond merge
  • Jun 25 Dunhuang manuscripts, including the Diamond Sutra, world's oldest surviving dated book, discovered by Daoist monk Wang Yuanlu in the Mogao Caves, China
  • Jun 25 Russia mobilizes its army in eastern Siberia preparatory to acting against the Chinese, but also in an attempt to diminish the influence of Japan on the Asian mainland
  • Jun 26 Dr Walter Reed begins research that beats Yellow Fever
  • Jun 26 Japan mobilizes 20,000 troops to help put down the Boxer uprising in China and to advance their long-term interest in gaining land and power in mainland Asia
  • Jun 26 The Russian Tsar orders that Russian must be the official language of Finland, despite growing unrest within Finland and increasing international concern over Russia's behavior there
  • Jun 29 The Imperial Chinese Court issues what is essentially a declaration of war against foreigners in China blaming them for hostilities and giving license to the Boxers for even greater ferocity
  • Jun 30 4 German liners burn at Hobokon Docks in New Jersey, 326 die

Zeppelin LZ 1

Jul 2 First flight of Zeppelin LZ-1, a dirigible airship designed by Graf Ferdinand von Zeppelin, at Lake Constance near Friedrichshafen, Germany


Jul 2 Jean Sibelius' musical tone poem "Finlandia" premieres in Helsinki

  • Jul 3 The British evacuate Rustenburg and occupy Commando Nek and Silkaatsnek in the Anglo-Boer war
  • Jul 3 Trying to stem the growing popular resentment, Tsar Nicholas of Russia issues a decree that abolishes the banishment of dissidents and troublemakers to Siberia
  • Jul 4 Williams Jennings Bryan nominated as Democratic Party presidential candidate, USA
  • Jul 5 Compulsory education law passes Dutch 1st Chamber
  • Jul 7 Boston Beaneaters pitcher Kid Nichols notches his 300th career MLB victory with an 11-4 win over Chicago Orphans
  • Jul 9 The Commonwealth of Australia is established by the British House of Commons
  • Jul 11 Boer General De la Rey captures Scots Greys and Lincolns

1st Individual Female Olympic Champion

Jul 11 Charlotte Cooper beats Hélène Prévost to become the 1st female Olympic tennis champion and the 1st individual female Olympic champion in any sport

  • Jul 12 114°F (46°C), Basin, Wyoming (state record)
  • Jul 13 Phillies beat Pittsburgh 23-8
  • Jul 15 President Steyn/General De Law escape Brandwater Basin
  • Jul 16 A report appears in London that all foreigners in Peking, China, have been massacred. Although soon exposed as false, the report helps mobilize support for relief of foreigners
  • Jul 16 Russia launch an offensive against the Chinese in Manchuria
  • Jul 17 NY Giant Christy Mathewson begins career losing to Bkln Superbas
  • Jul 19 Luxembourg born Michel Théato representing France wins Paris Olympics marathon in 2:59:45 ahead of another French athlete Émile Champion

Greek-Melkite rite

Jul 21 Pope Leo XIII encyclical to Greek-Melkite rite

  • Jul 23 First Pan-African Congress meets in London, organized by Trinidadian Henry Sylvester Williams, makes plea for African self-government
  • Jul 23 The Canadian government reviews immigration policy, prohibiting criminals and paupers from landing in Canada
  • Jul 24 Race riot in New Orleans, 2 white policemen killed
  • Jul 28 Hamburger created by Louis Lassing in Connecticut
  • Jul 29 In Italy, King Umberto I of Italy is assassinated by Italian-born anarchist Gaetano Bresci
  • Jul 30 British Parliament passes several progressive social acts: a Mines Act, a Workmen's Compensation Act and a Railway Act
  • Jul 31 Boer Generals Prinsloo & Roux surrender in Brandwater Basin

First Michelin Guide

Aug 1 The 1st Michelin Guide is published by the brothers Édouard and André Michelin as a hotel and restaurant reference guide to encourage more road travel and thus boost tire sales (exact date beyond Aug 1900 unknown)

Firestone Founded

Aug 3 Firestone Tire and Rubber Company founded in Akron, Ohio, by Harvey Firestone

  • Aug 4 An allied expeditionary force, made up of Japanese, Russian, British, French and American troops, sets off from Tientsin for Peking, China, to put down Boxer rebellion
  • Aug 5 In Russia, anti-Jewish riots spread from Odessa into other parts of the country
  • Aug 7 Diamond workers in Amsterdam strike
  • Aug 8 1st International Lawn Tennis Challenge (precursor to Davis Cup) begins at Longwood Cricket Club in Massachusetts, won 3-0 by US over British Isles
  • Aug 9 1st International Lawn Tennis Challenge, Boston, MA: Dwight Davis & Holcombe Ward beat Ernest Black & Herbert Roper Barrett 6-4, 6-4, 6-4 to give US an unassailable 3-0 lead over British Isles
  • Aug 14 1st electric tram in Netherland (Leidseplein-Brouwersgracht)
  • Aug 15 Russian troops advance further unto Manchuria
  • Aug 15 The Boxer Rebellion: In China, the Empress, her family and court retainers flee while foreign troops move through Peking in an attempt to quell the rebellion
  • Aug 19 Start of first and only Olympic cricket match in Paris; GB beats France by 158 runs
  • Aug 20 Great Britain beats France by 158 runs in Paris; cricket's only appearance at an Olympic Games
  • Aug 20 Japan's primary school law is amended to provide for four years of mandatory schooling.
  • Aug 23 National Negro Business League organizes (Boston)

Battle of Bergendal

Aug 27 Battle of Bergendal: General Buller defeats the Boer under General Louis Botha

  • Aug 27 Gabriel Fauré's grand cantata "Prométhée" premieres at Arènes de Béziers, France; performance involved almost 800 singers and musicians (including two wind bands and 15 harps) and an audience of 10,000
  • Aug 29 Gaetano Bresci, the assassin of King Umberto I of Italy, is tried and sentenced to life imprisonment; he will commit suicide in jail on 22 May 1901
  • Aug 30 Last 2,000 British prisoners in Nooitgedagt, South Africa, freed
  • Aug 31 British troops over run Johannesburg
  • Aug 31 Brooklyn pitcher Brickyard Kennedy walks 6 straight Philadelphia Phillies in 2nd inning of the Superbas' 9-4 loss at Washington Park; Kennedy still achieves his 4th 20-win season

Cumann na nGaedheal

Sep 1 Cumann na nGaedheal (Irish Council) founded by Arthur Griffith in order to promote a buy Irish campaign

  • Sep 2 A large demonstration by Nationalists in Dublin's Phoenix Park demand that Ireland be free of British rule
  • Sep 2 Telegraph use between Germany & US begins
  • Sep 3 Russian troops now control both sides of the Amur River on the Russo-Manchurian boundary
  • Sep 3 With a proclamation by General Lord Roberts, Britain annexes the Boer Republic of South Africa
  • Sep 5 France proclaims a protectorate over Chad
  • Sep 6 British General Buller occupies Lydenburg, South Africa
  • Sep 8 6,000 killed when a hurricane & tidal wave strikes Galveston, Texas
  • Sep 10 20.3 cm rainfall at Elk Point, South Dakota (state record)