Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Historical Events in November 1921

  • Nov 1 National Birth Control League & Voluntary Parenthood League merge as American Birth Control League

Anna Christie

Nov 2 Eugene O'Neill's play "Anna Christie" premieres in NYC

  • Nov 4 Japanese Prime Minister Hara Takashi is assassinated by a right wing fanatic in Tokyo

Brown Shirts Established

Nov 4 The Sturmabteilung or SA (the "Brown Shirts") is formally established by Adolf Hitler

  • Nov 5 Soviet Russia signs a treaty with Mongolia, temporarily supporting the new government against China and Japanese incursions
  • Nov 7 Ed Wynn's musical revue "The Perfect Fool" premieres in NYC
  • Nov 7 Hungary passes a law invalidating the Habsburg line of succession to the throne

Fascist Party

Nov 9 Partito Nazionalista Fascista formed in Italy by Benito Mussolini at Third Fascist Congress in Rome

Tomb of Unknown Soldier

Nov 11 US President Warren G. Harding dedicates Tomb of Unknown Soldier at Arlington Cemetery

  • Nov 12 Washington Conference for Limitation of Armaments
  • Nov 13 US, France, Japan and British Empire sign a Pacific Treaty
  • Nov 14 The Communist Party of Spain is founded
  • Nov 15 KYW-AM in Philadelphia PA begins radio transmissions
  • Nov 21 The trial of the accused of the Bulhoek Massacre commences in South Africa
  • Nov 23 US President Warren G. Harding signs Willis Campbell Act (Beer Emergency Bill) forbidding doctors prescribing beer or liquor for medicinal purposes
  • Nov 26 Danish composer Rued Langgaard's "Music of the Spheres" (Sfærernes Musik) premieres at Konzerthaus in Karlsruhe, Germany; it is not performed in Denmark until 1969
  • Nov 28 Ascension of 'Abdu'l-Baha (Baha'i festival-Qawl 6, 78)
  • Nov 29 Coldest day in November in Netherlands -14.0°C
  • Nov 29 Zoel Parenteau and André Picard's musical "Kiki" opens at the Belasco Theatre, NYC; runs for 233 performances