Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Historical Events in December 2004

Event of Interest

Dec 3 Gilberto Rodríguez Orejuela is extradited to the United States

  • Dec 4 13th SEC Championship Game: #3 Auburn beats #15 Tennessee, 38-28
  • Dec 5 93rd Davis Cup: Spain beats USA in Seville (3-2)

Blue Skies

Dec 7 Diana DeGarmo releases her debut album, "Blue Skies"

  • Dec 8 Cuzco Declaration is signed in Cuzco, Peru, establishing the Union of South American Nations

Olsen Pledges Maternity Leave

Dec 9 Mary-Kate Olsen pledges that woman sewing garments for her company in Bangladesh will be afforded legal maternity leave

  • Dec 11 70th Heisman Trophy Award: Matt Leinart, USC (QB)
  • Dec 12 On This Day launches and, separate sites for music and sports history, now our music and sport channels

Ballon d'Or

Dec 13 Ballon d'Or: Milan's Ukrainian striker Andriy Shevchenko is named best football player in Europe ahead of Deco (Porto/FC Barcelona) and Barcelona midfielder Ronaldinho

Pinochet House Arrest

Dec 13 Former Chilean dictator, General Augusto Pinochet is put under house arrest, after being sued under accusations over 9 kidnapping actions and manslaughter. The house arrest is lifted the same day on appeal.

  • Dec 14 The Millau viaduct, the highest bridge in the world, designed by architect Norman FOster and engineer Michel Virlogeux, near Millau, France is officially opened

Million Dollar Baby

Dec 15 "Million Dollar Baby", directed by Clint Eastwood and starring Hilary Swank and Morgan Freeman is released (Best Picture 2005)

  • Dec 16 NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft is the 1st to cross the termination shock, where solar and interstellar winds merge
  • Dec 19 World's largest indoor water park Tropical Islands Resort, opens in the Aerium, an old airship hanger, in the world's largest free-standing hall, south of Berlin, Germany
  • Dec 23 Macquarie Island in the Southern Ocean is hit by an 8.1 magnitude earthquake.
  • Dec 25 Cassini orbiter releases Huygens probe which successfully landed on Saturn's moon Titan on January 14, 2005.

Boxing Day Tsunami

Dec 26 9.3 magnitude earthquake creates a tsunami causing devastation in Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, the Maldives and edges of the Indian Ocean, killing 230,000 people

  • Dec 27 Radiation from an explosion on the magnetar SGR 1806-20 reaches Earth. It is the brightest extrasolar event known to have been witnessed on the planet.
  • Dec 30 A fire in the República Cromagnon nightclub in Buenos Aires, Argentina kills 194.
  • Dec 31 Official opening of Taipei 101, then the tallest skyscraper in the world, at a height of 509 metres (1,670 feet)